You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6549

Ye Xingbei: "

Mr. Gu never missed any chance to praise himself!


She also felt that their children were really well raised and would not turn against each other when they grew up.

Definitely not!

Clench your fist!

The next day, Gu Junzhu took Ye Xingbei and the children to Yuliang mountain outside Huacheng to relax.

Although nominally he came to help Jin Yuan solve the problem, the most important thing is that he still wants to take ye Xingbei out to relax before ye Xingbei has a child.

After a while, the child will be born.

When ye Xingbei has a baby, she can't come out for some time.

Think about it and feel wronged for his wife.

Therefore, before the child was born, he would accompany his wife to have a good time in Huacheng this time!

The car is hundreds of meters away from Jin's villa. Ye Xingbei sees Lin Lin wandering on the roadside.

She pointed to Gu Jun one by one: "look, Lin Lin!"

The speed was not fast, so she saw Lin Lin's face clearly.

His eyes are red and swollen. He has obvious dark circles under his eyes and looks haggard.

I have to say that Lin Lin is a beauty and has the capital to let the Jin Ke brothers compete with each other.

But beauty, like flowers, needs careful care.

Lin Lin was hit too hard yesterday. After being driven out of her home by the Jin family, she had nowhere to go and no one to rely on. Her future was bleak. She didn't sleep all night. She lost her color like flowers devastated by wind and rain.

Gu Jun took back his eyes one by one: "she's still wandering here. It shows that she hasn't given up. She wants to find a chance to go back to Jin's house."

It's fantastic.

For elders, the most important thing is offspring.

She immediately attacked Jin Yuan's three sons and caught all Jin Yuan's only three sons. Jin Yuan didn't kill her. She had done her utmost. She even dreamed of returning to Jin's house.

I have to say, she takes herself too seriously.

Ye Xingbei also thinks it impossible.

She sighed gently: "not all apologies can be exchanged. It doesn't matter. The mistake she made is unforgivable. Only a saint can forgive her."

She's not a saint anyway.

Whoever dares to plan her son, she dares to fight with anyone.



Yuliangshan is less than two hours' drive from Jin's house. After arriving at yuliangshan, the children get off the bus. Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie are left in the end. When they see that their brothers are all getting off the bus, only they are still on the bus and cry "ah ah".

Ye Xingbei was so amused by their anxious appearance that he deliberately teased them: "mom has such a big stomach that she can't get out of the car to play. Xiaojiang and Xiaojiang thank you for staying in the car with mom, okay?"

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie's eyes stared round!

Xiao Xie is worried. He grabs Ye Xingbei's hand and tries to earn: "outside! Good! Play! Mom!"

His anxious little face turned red, and his little feet stamped and stamped, and he almost jumped up.

Xiaojiang translated for him: "Mom, it's so fun outside. Mom goes outside and sits!"

Thanks a lot, little head!

"So?" Ye Xingbei thought.

Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie looked at her eagerly.

Gu Junzhu was distressed. He picked up Xiaoxie in one hand and held Xiaojiang in the other: "what are you teasing your sons for? Go! Baby, dad will take you out of the car to play."

"Mom!" Xiao Xie made a strong effort to reach out to Ye Xingbei for fear of leaving Ye Xingbei alone in the car., the fastest update of the webnovel!