You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6551

"Is there a thorn in the tree that pierced Xiaoxie?" Ye Xingbei worried and went to pick Xiaoxie's pants.

Thank you for covering your pants with his fat hand and refusing to let Ye Xing take it off in the north.

Although he is not two years old, he is already a little friend with self-esteem. He can't show people his little ass!

His mother had to pick up his pants in front of so many people. He forgot to cry nervously. There was a bubble of tears in his eyes and nervously protected his pants.

Ye Xingbei was worried and funny and coaxed him: "good boy, let mom see if the thorn in the tree pierced the little ass of Xiaoxie?"

"No..." thank you for shaking your head. "No! Stab!"

"Then why are you crying?" Ye Xingbei asked suspiciously, "what's wrong?"

"No!" little thank you for looking at Qin Junye wrongly: "night, brother, smile!"

Ye Xingbei: "

What and what?

Qin Jun smiled at night and her son cried?

What logic is this?!

Xiaoshumiao looked at Qin Junye and Xiaoxie, and asked Qin Junye, "brother ye, did you laugh at Xiaoxie?"

Qin Junye: "


He didn't mean it!

He just thinks it's funny that the little doll sits on a short tree. He doesn't laugh at Sanbao!

Absolutely not ridicule!

Thank you. I don't know what to say, but he knows that what my brother said must be right!

He looked at Qin Junye and said, "laugh! Laugh!"

Qin Junye: "

He's wrong!

He pitifully admitted his mistake to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei: "I'm sorry, master and mother, I didn't mean to."

He just thinks it's fun. Who knows that Sanbao's little heart is so fragile?

What's more, a little Douding can understand that he's laughing at him?

Sure enough, it's the son of his master and teacher's mother. He has become a master at such a young age!

"What are you doing apologizing to Shifu and Shifu?" Ling Yue said coldly, "are you Shifu and Shifu crying?"

Qin Junye: "... Oh!"

He squatted down in front of Xiaoxie and said sincerely, "I'm sorry, Sanbao. Brother Ye shouldn't laugh at you. Later, brother ye will catch fish for you and apologize to you, okay?"

"Fish?" small thank you's eyes lit up, touched Ye Xingbei's stomach, and smiled: "fish!"

He knows that there are fish in mother's belly!

He smiled and suddenly thought of something. "Wow" cried again!

Qin Junye: "...!"

What's the matter?

Thanks for hugging Ye Xingbei and crying: "no, don't eat fish!"

The little guy's eyes were anxious. He was always jumping word by word. The child said three words in one breath!

Qin Junye was flustered by his cry.

He was about to cry, "Xiaoshu, thank you. Don't you like fish? Why don't you eat fish again?"

If you don't eat, don't eat. You still cry. You're very sad!

He wants to please Sanbao, not to make him cry.


Xiaoshumiao was also confused and coaxed him to say, "Sanbao, don't you like fish? You don't like fish. Tell your brother, we'll eat whatever you like, OK?"

Thanks for patting Ye Xingbei's stomach: "sister! No, you can't eat!"

Ye Xingbei: "

She would have laughed if she hadn't watched her son cry.

She helped Xiaoxie wipe her tears: "the fish your brother said is the fish swimming in the water, not the fish in your mother's stomach."

"Ha?" Qin Jun's face was confused: "what do you mean, martial mother?", the fastest update of the webnovel!