You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6548

Gu Jun thought one by one: "that's possible..."

After all, he and ye Xingbei's daughter must be the most lovely in the world. It's normal to be liked!

Ye Xingbei: "

What's the matter with Mr. Gu's proud tone?

"But it doesn't matter," Gu Junzhu smiled and comforted her. "With me, what are you worried about? I will guide them well. With me, they can't turn over any waves."

Ye Xingbei thought and nodded.


That's the same reason.

The fifth Gu of their family is the sea god needle of their family. Several cubs were trained by the fifth Gu of their family. Although they are excellent, they can't compare with the fifth Gu of their family. They are not afraid to turn out the palm of the fifth Gu.

She felt a little better and asked Gu Junzhu, "Uncle Jin drove Lin Lin out of the house. The three brothers Jin Ke didn't object?"

"No." Gu Jun told her in detail what had happened in his study from beginning to end.

Pregnant women like to think more and worry more. A little thing will make them think wildly, so he still tells Ye Xingbei more about others to divert her attention. Don't let her worry about their children.

To be discouraged, whether he and ye Xingbei can have a daughter is not certain.

He has nothing else to worry about, only this!

After all, he has a way to control everything else. That's all he says!

"Jin Ke three brothers gave up Lin Lin so easily?" after hearing Gu Junzhu's story, ye Xingbei was very surprised.

Gu Jun nodded one by one: "yes."

Ye Xingbei said nothing: "don't they like Lin Lin Lin and like to fight? They gave up Lin Lin so easily. Do they really like Lin Lin Lin?"

"You should think like this..." Gu Junzhu said: "for a woman, their three brothers who grew up together with their father and mother can turn against each other and fight. You can imagine how amorous they are. A amorous man, do you think they will break off their relationship with a powerful father and be driven out of the house for a woman?"

Ye Xingbei: "... If Uncle Jin hears you, uncle Jin will spit blood?"

"Then don't tell him," Gu Junzhu smiled. "All parents see their children wearing a thick layer of filters. If I don't say it, he won't think about it."

He sighed and shook his head: "it's a pity. Uncle Jin's three sons have good qualifications, but they are a little crooked. They value profits over righteousness."

He paused and said, "but sometimes, it's not a good thing. If they value righteousness over profit, they won't easily give up Lin Lin. they'd rather break off the relationship with Uncle Jin and be driven out of the house by Uncle Jin. They also want to be with Lin Lin Lin. in that case, uncle Jin really wants to spit blood!"

Ye Xingbei said, "but as you said, if they value justice over profit, they won't fight for Lin Lin?"

Gu Jun chuckled, "it's such a truth."

"Uncle Jin is really poor," sighed Ye Xingbei, "so having many children and grandchildren is not necessarily a blessing. It is a blessing to keep the children well!"

"Yes!" Gu Junzhu smiled and looked at the children laughing and frolicking in the yard. He bowed his head and kissed them on the forehead of Ye Xingbei. "Our children are well raised, so we are blessed!"

Several little cute girls answered correctly. The parents were super powerful. The unruly and willful young lady who finally married her mother's apprentice was Guo Fu. Happy ~, the fastest update of the webnovel!