You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6547

She secretly asked Gu Junzhu why. Gu Junzhu said that he needed Gu Yuhan and Gu Yubing to shoot something.

"Yes," Gu Junzhu smiled and hugged her shoulder. "I have to say that Lin Lin is too brave. In full view of the public, she dares to flirt with Uncle Jin's three sons!"

He tutted, "but I have to say that she is also a capable person. She can cope with three alone. It's still under the eyes of so many people that she only overturned today. It's a miracle!"

Ye Xingbei opened his eyes: "she flirted with Uncle Jin's three sons alone?"

"Yes!" Gu Jun took out his mobile phone one by one and showed her the video taken by Gu Yuhan.

Of course, there is no need to cast the screen here. Just let her look at the mobile phone screen directly.

After reading it, ye Xingbei sighed: "it's true! She winked at each of the three Jin Ke brothers! I didn't find it once!"

"You either look at me or look at the children. You won't pay attention to her. It's normal not to see her!" Gu Junzhu said, "I didn't find it, because I also looked at you and the children or talked to Uncle Jin's father and son. I didn't find her making eyes at the three brothers Jin Ke."

Lin Lin is a young girl. Even to avoid suspicion, he won't pay too much attention to Lin Lin.

Because of this, he specially arranged for Gu Yuhan and Gu Yubing to attend the dinner in the name of taking care of Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie.

"We didn't find it normal. Uncle Jin and aunt Jin didn't find it. It's fair to say that Jin Ke's three brothers didn't find it?" Ye Xingbei didn't understand: "since Lin Lin Lin is their sweetheart, shouldn't they pay attention to Lin Lin Lin's every move all the time? Lin Lin winks at others, but they don't know?"

"This is Lin Lin's brilliance!" Gu Junzhu replays the video to her: "You see, when she winked at Jin Ke with vegetables, Jin Ci and Jin Yu went to the wine store to get wine at Uncle Jin's order. When she winked at Jin Ci, Jin Ke was talking to Uncle Jin wholeheartedly, and she turned her side and back to Jin Yu. Jin Yu could only see her side. When she winked at Jin Yu, it was the same as before."

He explained: "Jin Ke's three brothers are educated young masters. When a person turns to them, they won't stare at the person's side. This is because of their upbringing. Lin Lin just took advantage of this loophole."

"What a talent!" Ye Xingbei shook his head and sighed: "such keen observation and action should be a detective! It's a pity to seduce men!"

Moreover, it didn't succeed in the end. The car overturned!

"Alas..." she sighed faintly.

"What's the matter?" Gu Jun looked at her with concern.

"A little worried..." Ye Xingbei sighed again: "our family are smelly boys!"

If their children grow up and fall in love with the same girl, she will either be angry or worried to death. Anyway, she won't die well!

"You think too much," Gu Jun chuckled. "Our children have different personalities and don't like the same type of children. Moreover, we won't adopt adopted daughters. What are you worried about?"

"But what if we have a daughter?" Ye Xingbei said anxiously, "remember the story I raised for you? The eldest lady in the story, her father's apprentice and her mother's Apprentice all like her! What if we have a daughter and all our apprentices like our daughter?", the fastest update of the webnovel!