You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6544

Even if there is a virgin bitch standing and talking without backache and condemning him for being too ruthless, he doesn't care.

There aren't a few sprays yet?

Those who can say that kind of words must be generous villains. That kind of person is the least worth taking into account. He doesn't care at all.

Lin Lin violated his bottom line. He didn't kill Lin Lin completely. For the sake of his comrades in arms, Lin Lin even dreamed of marrying in the name of the Jin family?

What a delusion!

But then again, in such a chaotic time, she can find a relatively best way for herself. It's a bit of a brain.

However, people with a little brain like to be smart.

She was a little clever, but she didn't use it in the right place. She used it all to calculate his three sons!

Thinking of this, he was angry and said coldly: "only the girl loved by our Jin family has the value of marriage. You have been rejected by our Jin family. Our Jin family will not give any benefits to other families for you. You have no value of marriage. I won't pit others for you. Give up!"

"Dad, please, don't do this..." Lin Lin was desperate, her legs softened, knelt at Jin Yuan's feet, and cried out: "Dad, I'm your daughter! I'm still young, I'm not sensible, and I did something wrong. Dad, just teach me. I'll follow your teaching. You can't give up on me, Dad..."

"You are not sensible? I think you are very smart!" Jin Yuan sneered, "You're a little girl. You fooled my three sons around. Even I was deceived by you. In the future, my three sons like you wishfully! You can avoid the eyes of so many people and make everyone think that my three sons like you rather than seduce my three sons. You're a genius!"

If Gu Junzhu hadn't let their bodyguards secretly videotape, no one has found Lin Lin seducing his three sons at the same time!

I don't know whether he is too slow or Lin Lin's means are too high. Anyway, before today, he has never seen Lin wink at his three sons.

Not once!

Every time he sees Lin Lin Lin, he is a clever and pure girl next door. He is intimate with his three sons but has discretion, which is the way his sister and brother get along.

If he hadn't seen the video, he didn't know until now that Lin Lin, who looked clever and pure, would have looked at his sons with such a hook.

In addition, when there are so many people on the table at dinner, Lin Lin can avoid the sight of others and make eyes at his three sons respectively. This ability is also rare. At least, her observation and reaction are first-class.

It's a gift.

Unfortunately, she didn't use the right place!

"No, no..." Lin Lin knelt on the ground and shook her head again and again: "Dad, I'm not sensible. I didn't mean it. Dad, please forgive me this time. I won't dare later. If my father doesn't trust me, no matter who my father asked me to marry, I'm willing. I listen to my father!"

In the face of her biological father, Jin Yuan will not be too bad as long as he finds someone else for her.

But if she wants to find it by herself, what good man can she marry if she has nothing?

Moreover, only Jin Yuan personally married her, and the Jin family will be her mother's family in the future.

She can't lose the Jin family.

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