You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6543

There is no grass anywhere in the world.

For them, although love is important, family and career are equally important.

They can't break up with their biological father for a woman.

Seeing the three brothers shaking their heads together, Lin Lin cried almost out of breath.

Affectionate woman and heartless man, this is not wrong at all!

Jin Ke and the three of them kept saying they liked her, but when their love was tested, it was worthless!

"OK! Take it up and put it down. This is Jin Yuan's son!" Jin Yuan was very satisfied with their performance and his face was happy again: "Jin Ke, Jin Ci and Jin Yu, remember your choice today! Your choice today is voluntary. No one forces you! My Jin family can't accommodate a woman who seduces the three brothers at the same time, which makes my Jin family restless! If you go back on your promise and secretly associate with Lin Lin Lin in the future, I will drive you out of the house and punish you severely."

The three brothers nodded, "I see, Dad."

Jin Yuan looked at Lin Lin again: "you can go. I'll tell the housekeeper to help you pack your things. You leave Jin's house today and don't come back in the future. I don't want to see you again."

"Dad..." Lin Lin cried and shook her head desperately: "I know it's wrong, Dad, I really know it's wrong. I won't dare in the future!"

"I raised you so big, but you seduced my three sons and harmed my family. I believe your nature is selfish and cold. I don't believe you can change it," Jin Yuan said faintly: "If I hadn't adopted you, you would have grown up in the welfare home. I have supported you for more than ten years and am worthy of your father. Now that you have graduated from college and have the ability to support yourself, you should leave the Jin family and earn your own living!"

"No, don't..." Lin Lin cried, "Dad, I can't give up you, my mother and my brothers! In the past, I was not sensible, but now I know I'm wrong. I will keep a distance from my brothers in the future... I, I..."

Her mind flashed and her eyes lit up fiercely, "Dad, I'm willing to help the Jin family marry! The Jin family raised me so big, and I haven't returned anything to the Jin family. Dad, I'm willing to help the Jin family marry and return to the Jin family!"

"Help the Jin family marry?" Jin Yuan sneered. "How dare I let you marry on behalf of the Jin family with your selfish and cold temperament and your ability to confuse brothers and harm each other? I marry you out, and you fight against the father and son of other people's family. Do I marry or become enemies with others?"

Even if he had someone he wasn't afraid of offending, he didn't want to marry Lin Lin.

He hates Lin Lin.

He hated her for bearing the kindness of the Jin family for so many years, but regardless of the life and death of his sons, he only cared about her pride and complacency, and bewitched his sons to kill each other.

If it weren't for the sake of his comrades in arms, he wouldn't let Lin Lin come to a good end.

There are no fools or soft persimmons who can sit in his position.

He didn't want to vent Lin Lin's anger before because he valued love and righteousness and didn't want to be sorry for his comrades in arms.

Now, he knows that Lin Lin is responsible for all his mistakes. Even for the sake of his comrades in arms, he can't continue to tolerate Lin Lin,

He admitted that he had done his utmost to his comrades in arms, and his comrades in arms had run out of face here.

He believed that even if the matter spread and was known by his other comrades in arms, others would denounce Lin Lin, not him., the fastest update of the webnovel!