You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6545

"I took you as my own and raised you to such a big age, but you were so cruel that you seduced my three sons. You can do everything. I won't believe what you say," Jin Yuan looked at her coldly and said: "If you take the initiative to leave, I will allow you to take away your personal belongings. If you entangle again, I will let someone throw you out. At that time, you can't take anything!"

Lin Lin gave a fierce blow.

How did this happen?

How did this happen?!

Just before dinner, everything was fine. She was still the little princess loved by her adoptive parents and the sweetheart of the Jin Ke brothers.

Just a meal, she fell from the clouds.

She's going to be kicked out of the Jin family!

In the future, she will no longer be the eldest miss of the Jin family. She will become a lost dog.

"No... don't... don't..." she cried and regretted.

Had known that Jin Yuan was so ruthless to her, she shouldn't have played with fire and set herself on fire. She swayed among the three brothers Jin Ke.

At the beginning, she should firmly choose one.

If you choose only one, Jin Yuan will not turn over.

She's too confident.

He is too confident in his charm and Jin Yuan's love for her.

But in fact, she was not as charming as she thought, and Jin Yuan didn't love her as much as she thought.

"I know I'm wrong, I really know I'm wrong..." she cried and lay on the ground, grabbed Jin Yuan's trouser leg, hoping to get Jin Yuan's pity: "Dad, please, please give me another chance, just once..."

She is not reconciled!

She shouldn't have ended like this.

Over the past 20 years, she has been living happily, with good wind and water. Seeing that she is going to marry a good man, set up her own house and become the head mother, how can she lose everything and have nothing?

It shouldn't be like this!

Jin Yuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with her. He called a confidant and told him: "drive Lin Lin out and order the guard of the gate. I don't want to see Lin Lin near Jin's house in the future. If anyone dares to disobey, he will pack up and leave immediately!"

"Yes!" his confidant ordered and banned. Without asking the reason, he grabbed Lin Lin's arm and dragged her out.

"Dad, I know I'm wrong. Forgive me this time, Dad. I won't dare. I'm your daughter. Dad, think about my biological father. He will be sad when he knows you treat me like this!" Lin Lin Lin cried bitterly.

Jin Yuan closed his eyes.

If he hadn't read about his comradeship with Lin Lin Lin's biological father, he would have killed Lin Lin's heart.

He just drove Lin Lin out of the Jin family. He has done his utmost.

It was he who was sorry for his comrades in arms and didn't teach Lin Lin well.

For so many years, he took Lin Lin as his own daughter, devoted to education and love, and taught such a thing.

He's the one who's sorry for his comrades in arms.

But there's no way.

If Lin Lin made other mistakes, he can forgive him.

Moving his son is more intolerable than killing him.

He can't forgive.

Lin Lin refused to go and was dragged out by Jin Yuan's confidants.

Jin Yuan's wife is chatting with Ye Xingbei downstairs. When she sees Lin Lin disheveled, she is dragged down the stairs by Jin Yuan's confidant. She stands up in surprise and asks, "what's the matter?"

"Mom, help me! I don't want to go!" Lin Lin tried to break away from Jin Yuan's confidant, rushed into Jin's mother's arms, and hugged Jin's mother: "Mom, I know I'm wrong. I'm young, I'm not sensible, and I did something wrong. Mom, forgive me. This time, you advised dad not to let dad drive me away. I really know I'm wrong. I dare not do it again. I swear!", the fastest update of the webnovel!