You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6542

The more she said, the more anxious she was, "sorry, I'm not sensible and did something wrong, but I definitely didn't mean to hurt them..."

Even in her dream, she didn't expect that things would happen. It was clear that Jin Yuan loved her so much, and she was also the favorite of the Jin Ke three brothers.

She thought that no matter what happened, Jin Yuan would not blame her.

She never expected that Jin Yuan would turn his face and refuse to recognize others.

She's naive.

She thought that Jin Yuan's love for her meant that her position in Jin Yuan's mind was very important, and that Jin Yuan would forgive her no matter what mistakes she made.

She's so stupid.

No matter how much Jin Yuan loves her, she is only Jin Yuan's adopted daughter. In a family like the Jin family, even her own daughter is inferior to her own son, not to mention that she is only an adopted daughter?

She is too proud and confident.

Pride and self-confidence blinded her eyes and made her do the most wrong thing.

Now, she knows she's wrong.

She doesn't dare to be arrogant and arrogant in the future. If she can be given another chance, she will be kind to Jin Yu wholeheartedly and be the third young lady of the Jin family. She will never be greedy and picky again!

Jin Yuan took a deep look at her, but did not say anything to her, but looked at the three Jin Ke brothers: "Listen to me, you three. I'm not the big parent of a feudal family. If any of you want to marry Lin Lin, you can say it now and I'll agree, but remember one thing. Lin Lin seduced the three of your brothers at the same time, which caused discord among your brothers. In my place, she committed a great crime that I will never forgive!"

"Dad..." Lin Lin opened her eyes to the maximum, full of disbelief.

Is it so serious?

That's right.

If she has three sons and likes a woman at the same time, she will be angry and want to kill that woman.

Unfortunately, she understood this truth too late.

In the past, she was immersed in the pride that she was loved by the three brothers at the same time. She thought that even if she made a big mistake, Jin Yuan would forgive her and Jin Ke's three brothers would protect her.

She's so stupid.

In terms of feelings, Jin Ke's three brothers are Jin Yuan's own sons. When there is a conflict of interests between her and Jin Ke's three brothers, Jin Yuan should first keep the interests of Jin Ke's three brothers, of course.

On love, she is neither the girlfriend of the three Jin Ke brothers, nor their wife. How can the three Jin Ke brothers fight Jin Yuan for her?

Jin Yuan is the owner of the Jin family. He controls all the rights and resources of the Jin family.

Which son he favors, the future of which son will be more brilliant.

It's too late for the three brothers Jin Ke to please him. How can they turn over for her and Jin Yuan?

The more she thought, the more desperate she became. She cried and said to Jin Yuan, "Dad, I'm young, not sensible, and I don't think things well enough. I know I'm wrong. Please dad, forgive me. I won't dare again!"

Without looking at her, Jin Yuan continued to say to the three brothers Jin Ke, "have you heard me clearly?"

The three brothers of Jin Ke nodded one after another.

Jin Yuan's eyes flashed over Jin Ke's faces one by one: "so, do any of you want to marry Lin Lin?"

The three brothers of Jin Ke shook their heads again.

This time, they didn't hesitate at all.

Still, they like Lin Lin Lin, but they don't like it enough to be driven out of the house for Lin Lin., the fastest update of the webnovel!