You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6529

"But Uncle Jin's adopted daughter is certainly not so lucky," Gu Junzhu said "The girl in your story is her suitor and her husband who have received the favor of her parents. Naturally, she wants to be courteous to her. But Uncle Jin's adopted daughter has inherited uncle Jin's kindness. Uncle Jin has nurtured her, but she let uncle Jin's three sons fight for her. If they are smart people, they won't let themselves fall into this situation."

Ye Xingbei thought for a moment and nodded, "well, you're right. Even if her heart is not bad, she's a big fool."

"No matter what," Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "the scenery of Huacheng is very beautiful. We haven't taken the children out to relax for a while. Just taking advantage of your good state, we'll take you out to play."

"Well, that's right," Ye Xingbei said. "In a few months, the two little ones in our stomach will be born. When they are born, we won't be able to go out for a while."

In the past, they promised their children to go out once a quarter.

But after saying this, she has been pregnant, giving birth and raising children. She hasn't taken her children to travel for a long time.

This time, just taking advantage of the opportunity invited by the Jin family, I took the children to have a good time.

It took them more than a week to leave the capital and rush to Huacheng.

The flower city is really beautiful. After entering the city, there are flowers and trees in full bloom on both sides of the street, with colorful falling flowers and fragrant flowers in the air.

Ling Yue and xiaoshumiao'er have seen the flower forest, but they don't feel very shocked. Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie have been stunned.

They are still young and have little knowledge. They have never seen such a scene of floating flowers all over the city since they were born. Their big black eyes stare round and keep staring out of the window. Their small head wants to go directly out of the window.

No matter what they do, in the eyes of Mr. Gu, there are two words "cute"!

He will be adored by the lovely little looks of his baby sons!

Worthy of his wife's son, he is invincible and lovely!

He smiled and rubbed the cerebellar bags of the two little guys: "is it nice?"

The two little guys nodded hard.

A flower just flew to Xiaoxie's eyes. Xiaoxie stretched out his little claw and grabbed it.

He grabbed the flying flowers in his hand, put them under his nose, smelled them, and then... Put them in his mouth.

Gu Junzhu: "

He quickly grabbed his son's little hand: "son, this can't be eaten."

Small thank you for looking back at him, flashing his beautiful big eyes: "fragrance!"

It smells delicious. It must be delicious!

"You can't eat incense either," Gu Junzhu said jokingly. "It's flowers, flowers, not flower cakes! You can only see, you can't eat. After eating, there will be worms in your stomach, stomachache and injection!"

"Oh!" Xiao Xie immediately threw the petals and covered his little ass.

He doesn't want an injection!

The children on TV were injected and cried miserably.

Wow, wow.


Gu Junzhu's face was bloody by his son's lovely little appearance. He held him in his arms for a while and rubbed him intimately: "baby, are you hungry? Wait, we'll go to your grandpa Jin's house right away. When we get to your grandpa Jin's house, there are a lot of delicious food in your grandpa Jin's house!"

Among other things, there must be many kinds of flower cakes.

The flower cake in Huacheng is famous all over the country.

Thank you for nodding your head: "wait, eat!", the fastest update of the webnovel!