You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6528

If several of her sons like the same girl in the future, because a girl fights and has no brotherhood, she will have to die of anger?

Gu Junzhu: "

I know what pregnant women are.

"You think too much," Gu Junzhu said. "It's really easy to fall in love with girls who are related by blood, but there are only male apprentices in our family and no adopted daughters. The kind of thing you worry about won't happen in our family."

"Alas..." Ye Xingbei sighed, "how can this happen? No wonder most rich families in Beijing only adopt adopted children, and few adopt adopted daughters. I thought it was son preference. It wasn't, but because it was too dangerous to adopt daughters!"

Which rich family has no childe, young master?

The more rich people are, the more they want their children to prosper, the more energetic they can be.

As long as it is not difficult for the children of a rich family, there will be at least three or four young masters and sons in any family.

If you raise an adopted daughter, you will attract several young masters and sons of the family to turn around the adopted daughter. In order to compete for the adopted daughter, you will turn your face and refuse to recognize others regardless of brotherhood. Won't the elders be angry to death?

"What you said also has a certain truth," Gu Junzhu said. "But I still think that uncle Jin's adopted daughter has a problem. Her heart is good or bad. At least, she has a brain problem. A smart girl won't let that happen in the Jin family."

"Really?" Ye Xingbei looked at her suspiciously. "If Uncle Jin's three sons like her, can't she help it?"

Gu Jun smiled one by one and shook his head: "as long as she is not a fool, she will not let uncle Jin's three sons like her! Although I haven't seen her yet, I'm sure that she is an idiot who thinks she is very smart!"

Ye Xingbei: "

In Gu's eyes, probably not many people are not idiots.

After all, Mr. Gu is too smart!

"I suddenly thought of a story I had seen before," said Ye Xingbei. "There was a girl in that story. Her father accepted two male apprentices. The two male apprentices liked the girl and even went to duel for the girl and the brothers! You're right. The girl in the story was very stupid!"

"What's the result?" Gu Jun asked one by one, "who did the girl choose at last?"

"No one chose," said Ye Xingbei. "She finally chose another man. That man was her mother's apprentice, better than her father's two apprentices."

"It's terrible," Gu Jun shook his head. "So, don't lick the dog, lick the dog, lick the dog until the end, you have nothing. “

Ye Xingbei: "

The fifth master of their family can not only enjoy the spring and snow, but also make a living.


"The girl in your story has a good ending," Gu Junzhu said "Because it sounds like her parents are very powerful. No matter who duels for her or who finally marries her, they are all her parents' disciples. With the support of her parents and the love between teachers and apprentices, no matter who she marries, her future is not bad, but Uncle Jin's adopted daughter is not so lucky."

Ye Xingbei nodded: "yes, although the girl in the story I told is very bad, unruly, willful and unreasonable, her parents are very powerful. She has been beautiful all her life and has not suffered any grievances."

PS: guess who is the girl in Beibei's story?

Her father is a great Xia and her mother is a very clever beauty. Is it easy to guess^_^, the fastest update of the webnovel!