You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6539

From small to large, he can't compare with his two brothers.

Although compared with other people's children, he is also very excellent, but because of his lack of concentration, he was crushed by his two brothers in all aspects from small to large.

In addition, he is a young and old man in his family. After he becomes a *, the resources in his family have been basically divided up by his eldest brother and second brother, leaving him very limited. Therefore, he has been pressed on his head by his two brothers, and they compare him like a waste.

When others mention him, they always say that he is Jin Yuan's son or Jin Ke and Jin Ci's brother.

It seems that all the value of him is because he has a good father and brother.

He was unconvinced.

He didn't think he was worse than his two brothers. He was just unlucky and gave birth a few days later.

If he is the eldest son, he will be as steady as his eldest brother. If he is the second son, he will be as calm as his second brother. If the family resources are inclined to him, he can be as good as his eldest brother and second brother.

But the truth is that none of these things will happen.

From small to large, he has been living under the aura of his father and brother, eclipsed.

It was the first time in his life that he won the competition with his two brothers.

He was overjoyed and no longer hesitated. He said to Jin Yuan, "Dad, I want to marry Lin Lin!"

Hearing his answer, Lin Lin's clenched fist loosened a little and breathed a sigh of relief.

not so bad.

Jin Yu * * gave up her. She didn't find a watermelon and a sesame. It ended in nothing.

"OK," Jin Yuan didn't persuade him, but said, "if you like Lin Lin and you want to marry her, I won't stop you, but you have to move out of the Jin family, break off relations with the Jin family and start your own business."

"What, what?" Jin Yu stared at Jin Yuan in disbelief. "Dad, what are you talking about?"

Lin Lin also stared in shock: "Dad..."

"Don't call me dad, I don't have a daughter like you!" Jin Yuan said angrily, "I think in your father's favor, I raised you. I think I deserve you, but what have you done? You seduced my three sons, attracted their brothers and sisters * * and fought!"

At this moment, Jin Yuan hates Lin Lin Lin.

For parents, the most important thing is children.

Children are more important than their own lives. Even if there is only one problem, they have to worry about it day and night.

What parents want most is brotherhood and mutual help.

He has only three sons. Lin Lin provoked his sons to be fratricidal!

Before, he thought it was his sons' problem. For the sake of his dead comrades in arms, he couldn't criticize Lin Lin.

But now, he knows that the problem lies with Lin Lin. he hates to have Lin Lin's heart of cramping and peeling!

He regarded Lin Lin as his own, but Lin Lin played with his sons!

His sons are his pride and his life, but they are mutilated by a little girl Lin Lin. how can he not hate them?

How broad-minded must he be to let Lin Lin continue to be his daughter?

No way!

He just wants to make a clean break with Lin Lin now. He won't see her in his life!

"Dad..." Lin Lin panicked.

She rushed to Jin Yuan, grabbed Jin Yuan's arm and cried out in panic, "Dad, if I make you angry, you can hit me or scold me. Don't you want me...", the fastest update of the webnovel!