You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6527

"I asked, but she didn't say," Jin Yuan said. "She only said that she took my three sons as her own brothers and had no affection for my sons."

"In that case, you should marry her quickly," Gu Junzhu said. "She is the culprit who provoked the struggle between your three sons. If she marries someone, your three sons will probably stop."

"But who can I marry her?" Jin Yuan said with a headache. "She said she didn't like anyone. Although she is my adopted daughter, she is also Haizi's biological daughter. I have to find a good home for her, or I'll be sorry for her biological father."

Gu Jun thought about it one by one and shook his head: "Uncle Jin, you just told me that I really can't tell who is right and who is wrong, who should bear most of the responsibility and who is innocent in this matter... Well, if it's convenient, you can let your sons and your adopted daughter come to our house as guests, let me meet them, and I'll help you find a way."

Gu Junzhu plans to use some strength to help him.

First, his father is worried about his life. He treats his subordinates as his nephew. His father is also worried about who has something to do.

If he doesn't help Jin Yuan to solve their family affairs, his father must worry with Jin Yuan and worry about the Jin family affairs,

Moreover, Jin Yuan is now in a high position and his position is similar to that of his two foster brothers. Selling Jin Yuan's personal feelings will be good for him in the future.

"It's easy to say," Jin Yuan said "My three bastards don't listen to me for emotional matters. They are usually filial... Well, don't let them come here. You have to take care of them when they come. It's annoying! You go to my house. Flowers bloom everywhere and the scenery is very good. If you have time, take your wife and children to enjoy flowers and relax. Let me have a few minutes A bastard, take good care of you! "

"I almost forgot that uncle Jin's garrison is a famous flower city," Gu Junzhu looked at Ye Xingbei. "Speaking, we haven't taken the children out for a while."

Ye Xingbei understood his meaning and nodded: "listen to you."

Gu Jun smiled one by one, took back his eyes and looked at Jin Yuan again: "Uncle Jin, if it's convenient for you, I've arranged for the company and will be a guest at your house in a few days."

"Convenience, convenience, I can't wait for it!" Jin Yuan looked at old Gu and said with emotion, "old leader, if my sons have the worry of being half a child, I won't have to worry about all my hair in my fifties."

"You're too modest," Gu said with a smile. "I've heard people say more than once that your three sons are dragons and phoenixes among people and the best of their peers. Young people are always impulsive in emotional things. It's good in the past“

Jin Yuan sighed: "I hope so."

In the evening, Jin Yuan stayed over.

He used to be the Secretary General of the old man and a confidant cultivated by the old man. He was no different from the old man and served the old man like a nephew.

At night, after sleeping, ye Xingbei couldn't sleep.

Gu Jun hugged her shoulder one by one. "What's the matter? Uncomfortable?"

"No," sighed Ye Xingbei, "I'm a little worried."

Gu Jun asked one by one, "what are you worried about?"

"What if our son falls in love with the same girl?" Ye Xingbei frowned tightly.

She has three sons now, and the baby in her belly may still be a son., the fastest update of the webnovel!