You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6526

"Yes," said Gu. "You're a good man. Haizi didn't make you a friend in vain. What's the matter? Is there something wrong with Haizi's daughter?"

"Yes, it's not..." Jin Yuan sighed: "old leader, I have three sons. You know that, don't you?"

Mr. Gu nodded, "of course."

"Alas..." Jin Yuan sighed in a long way, "my three bastards are not good at winning, and all like Haizi's daughter..."

"Hmm?" Mr. Gu frowned. "What's going on?"

"Childhood sweethearts, get along day and night, and grow in love over time," Jin Yuan smiled bitterly, "My three bastards like Haizi's daughter very much. I thought it was brother and sister love. I don't have a daughter. Several smelly boys love Haizi's daughter as their own sister. Who knows, those bastards don't have brother and sister love for Haizi's daughter. They are all men and women. For Haizi's daughter, the three bastards fight regardless of brotherhood!"

His face flushed with anger, shook his head again and again, and said bitterly: "how can I raise so three things that are selfish and regardless of blood and family affection!"

He raised his hand and pressed his forehead: "old leader, I'm worried to death recently. I can't sleep. You don't know, those three bastards are not joking, but real. All three people have seen blood. If I hadn't rushed there in time, I might have killed people!"

He shook his head in pain: "how can I raise three animals? Even my own brothers can do it. It's embarrassing. I really want to kill them!"

"Uncle Jin, calm down," Gu Junzhu took his tea cup, filled it for him and handed it to him. "Uncle Jin, you can calm down. There are no obstacles in the world. You can always think of a way."

Gu Laozi said, "Xiao Zhu is right. Your worry doesn't work. The most important thing is to find a way to solve the problem."

The old man muttered.

He remembered that Jin Yuan's three sons were all young talents. They were better among the younger generation. I didn't know they were such bastards before.

It's a headache for three sons to like the same girl and fight for a girl regardless of brotherhood.

No wonder he saw that his old subordinate looked bad when he met him. At present, he was green and black and had a sad face. He thought someone didn't like his old subordinate's promotion and tripped his old subordinate. Unexpectedly, it was a family problem.

Family problems are more difficult to solve than work problems.

After all, it's OK to see the move at work, but it's difficult for honest officials to break the housework at home.

Jin Yuan sighed for a while, rubbed his face and looked at Gu Junzhu: "Xiao Zhu, I know you have many ideas. Uncle Jin came to ask you for attention. How can I make the three brothers reconcile as before?"

"Uncle Jin, you know, it's hard for honest officials to stop housework. It's hard for me to give you advice about your family, but you can talk to me about what you plan to do next," Gu Junzhu said. "Also, your three sons like that girl. What's the attitude of that girl? Does she like your sons?"

"I don't know what she thinks," Jin Yuan said with a headache. "As soon as I asked her, she cried and said she was sorry for me. She said she didn't let my sons fight. I really..."

Gu Jun shook his head one by one: "Uncle Jin, the focus of this matter is still on the girl. Do you know who she likes?", the fastest update of the webnovel!