You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 6525

At this time, ye Xingbei is taking care of his family's courtyard.

Gu's family has guests. Gu's father asks Gu Jun to meet him one by one.

The old man missed his grandson and was rarely at home. He asked Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei to take the children too.

When they arrived at Gu's courtyard, Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie rushed into Gu's arms happily. They were called "Grandpa" and couldn't envy the old subordinates who came to see Gu's son.

He sighed, "old leader, you are really lucky. I don't know when I can have your blessing and have a grandson."

Mr. Gu held his two precious grandchildren and smiled out of sight.

At the beginning, his children died, and others dared not say it in front of him, but secretly, who didn't say that his life was hard?

Others said that he killed too much in his early years. Although he was loyal to his country, his hands were stained with blood, so he suffered retribution.

Every time he heard similar words, his heart was like a knife.

If he really killed too much and suffered retribution, why not retribution on him, but on his children?

He would rather be punished by him and let his children live in peace.

The past can't be recalled. It's a heartbreaking pain to think about it.

Fortunately, few people have talked about him in the past two years.

He now has not only three grandchildren, but also two in his daughter-in-law's belly. No one said that he was suffering and that he had been punished. On the contrary, many people praised him for his good fortune when they saw him.

The early death of children can not eliminate the pain of forgetting, but at least, he still has a family. They don't really cut off their children and grandchildren.

He held the soft milk doll in his arms, and his heart was soft in a mess.

This is their hope and root.

Even if he dies, he will protect them from any harm!

He rubbed the two precious grandchildren and said to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, "wherever you go, whatever else, the bodyguard must take good care of the children."

Gu Jun nodded one by one and said, "don't worry, Dad, we won't lack bodyguards without anything."

"That's good, that's good!" Mr. Gu asked again with his two baby grandchildren in his arms: "you must take good care of my baby grandchildren. I'll be distressed to rub a layer of skin!"

His grandchildren are too delicate. Their skin is as tender as egg white. If such a delicate child is not taken good care of, it is easy to have problems!

"Don't worry, Dad, I know!" Gu Junzhu suddenly felt that he might fall out of favor.

In the past, his father loved him most. Now, he has been in the door for a while. His father's eyes have been glued to Xiaojiang and Xiaoxie. He hasn't looked at him in the eye.

Mr. Gu was busy teasing the two children. He had no time to talk to him. He said to the guest, "Uncle Jin, I haven't seen you for a long time. I heard that you have been promoted again. Congratulations!"

"What's the joy? I'm going to be worried to death!" Jin Yuan sighed. "Xiao Zhu, you're just in time. You have many ideas. I've encountered difficulties recently. I'm in a panic. I'll talk to the old leader. Listen and help me out."

"What's the matter?" Mr. Gu looked at him, frowned and said, "can't be competent for the new job? Someone has made you a stumbling block and a problem?"

”No, "Jin Yuan sighed," if it's about work, it's not about work, it's about family. "

Jin Yuan shook his head and frowned: "old leader, do you remember? After Lin Hai died, I adopted his daughter.", the fastest update of the webnovel!