You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 650

"I've already told you, don't guess what you think of the change state," Gu Jun flicked her forehead. "If you really guess, you're not far away from the change state! Who on earth instigated her? When she wakes up, just ask her? "

"As for the purpose of the instigator, she certainly doesn't know, but it doesn't matter. As long as we know from her who the instigator is, we can ask that person again. There's no need to guess."

“…… That's right! " Ye Xingbei pushed Gu Junzhu away and stood up: "what are you waiting for? A basin of cold water splashes up and wakes up. Let's go and ask who instigated her to come. "

Gu Junzhu also slowly stood up and arranged his clothes: "you don't take the saplings out to play?"

"It's still early. Let's make it clear first!" Ye Xingbei said: "if I don't ask clearly, I have doubts in my heart. It's like scratching my heart with a hundred claws. Playing is not practical."

She arranged her clothes and walked out quickly.

Gu Jun put his hands in his pocket and followed her slowly.

To the basement, a basin of cold water splashed on GaN Xintong, Gan Xintong hit a wake-up call.

Found that his hands and feet were tied, squatting in front of Ye Xingbei, she immediately struggled, "Ye Xingbei, what do you want to do? Kidnapping and detention are all illegal. Ye Weikang has been arrested. Do you want to be the second Ye Weikang? "

"How can you think clearly now that you are threatening people?" Ye Xingbei squatted in front of her body, slightly squinted at her: "Gan Xintong, who told you about the relationship between Gu Junzhu and me, and who asked you to come to Gu Junzhu's pillow?"

"Why do you ask me and I'll tell you?" Gan Xintong glared at her angrily and threatened: "I tell you, it's Yu Xingchen who sent me here. He knows I'm here. If something happens to me, he will come to check you!"

"Look at you take off your clothes and go into a man's arms. I thought your brain was shut down. Isn't it very useful now?" Ye Xingbei sneered, "it's just that you don't know that Yu Xingchen is the elder brother of my family. Xingbei, Xingchen, do you think it's a coincidence? No, my two families have a good relationship. My elder specially gave it to us. Yu Xingchen loves me as much as my brother. Do you think he will help me or you? "

Gan Xintong's face changed, "you are bullshit, officer Yu is a good man! He will not break the law

"Do you know officer Yu is a good man?" Ye Xingbei picks an eyebrow to look at her, "since you know what a good person is and what a bad person is, why can't you be a good person?"

"Don't you think I want to? You're the one who hurt me! You've done me such a disservice Gan Xintong's mood suddenly out of control, head ruthlessly toward the leaf Star North of the forehead hit.

"Ye Xiaobei!" Gu Junzhu grabs Ye Xingbei's arm and pulls her back.

Ye Xingbei was brought into his arms, Gan Xintong hit a space, fell on the ground, fell a dog gnawing mud.

Gan Xintong was still unwilling, struggling to wriggle in the direction of Ye Xingbei, with a ferocious face: "Ye Xingbei, it's you who hurt me, you have to be responsible for me! It's all you I became like this because of you... "

See her facial features twisted, neurotic appearance, Ye Xing North to Gu Jun by arms shrink, frown: "how to do? It seems that there is something wrong with her spirit. How can I ask? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!