You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 651

Gu Jun tilts his mouth and beckons Gu Chi to ask for a bank card.

He squatted down in front of Gan Xintong, with his bank card between his slender fingers: "there are more than one million in it..."

Gan Xintong's eyes suddenly lit up, eyes staring at the bank card, shooting greedy light.

Gu Junzhu said with a smile, "but soon the million yuan will be transferred from online banking, and there are only 10000 yuan left. Tell me what you know. This bank card is for you, and the 10000 yuan will be yours."

Gan Xintong was angry and said, "do you want to play with me? Ten thousand dollars to buy me off? I won't say anything, you don't want to know anything! "

Gu Jun threw his bank card at her feet, stood up and told Gu Chi: "take care of her. Don't send her food and water until she speaks."

Gu Chi nodded: "yes, young master!"

Gu Junzhu took Ye Xingbei and turned to go out. Gan Xintong was flustered and yelled: "I said, I told you, I told you all!"

Gu Jun pulls the corners of his mouth, stops and looks back at her.

Gan Xintong's face looked pathetic: "ten thousand yuan is too little. Fifty thousand yuan. Give me fifty thousand yuan. I'll tell you everything."

Ye Xingbei frowned and whispered to Gu Jun: "I think she has a mental problem."

Gu Jun chuckles and learns from her. He puts his thin lips to her ear: "I have been locked up in the basement for more than three years. I have no clothes to wear. Only Ye Weikang can see. It's strange that I don't have any mental problems."

It's all about biting ears, but Mr. Gu can do it without hesitation.

Warm breath in her cheek, not to say, he really bite her ear tip with his teeth, ye Xingbei shy and angry, raised his feet on his expensive custom shoes.

Gu Jun chuckled, rubbed the back of her head, grabbed her hand, and took her to Gan Xintong. "Ten thousand, I don't accept bargaining. If you still don't say it, you'll never say it."

He looked down at Gan Xintong. In his eyes, he was like a king of golden words.

Gan Xintong looked at him, suddenly said: "I don't want money, you let me be your woman, I also tell you everything."

Gu Jun by frown, holding Ye Xingbei's hand turned.

"I said, I said!" Gan Xintong jumped forward and climbed down, and said in a hurry, "a woman found me, but she was wearing a mask and hat. I didn't see her face."

"She told me that your name is Gu Junzhu, and you are very rich. She said that the woman beside you is Ye Xingbei. I look very similar to Ye Xingbei. She asked me to find a way to approach you. She said that as long as I can replace Ye Xingbei and stay with you, I will have endless money in the future."

Then she burst into tears, "I'm an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage. It's very difficult for me to get into university. It's really very difficult."

"When I was a junior, I went to a bar with my classmates to drink. I met Ye Weikang. He was very rich and kind to me. He was generous and gave me a lot of money. He was obedient to me. I fell in love with him and I became his girlfriend."

She cried and shook her head, "I thought I suffered too much from snacks, God finally can't see it past, finally remembered to compensate me, but I don't know, ye Weikang is a neuropathy, he tempts me with money again and again, let me go to plastic surgery." , the fastest update of the webnovel!