You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 649

"She hasn't been crazy after three years in prison. Do you think she can be crazy after I've locked her up for a few days?" Gu Jun poked her face, "Ye Xiaobei, you are white lotus again."

"Go away!" Ye Xingbei pats his hand and stares at him: "since you think she's disgusting, what are you doing with her? Don't you think it's a waste of food? "

"Ye Xiaobei, don't you think it's strange?" Gu Jun tilted his lips: "she is a person who has been locked up in the basement by Ye Weikang for more than three years. Why do you know who I am and why do you still cling to me?"

Ye Xingbei thought, hesitated and said, "didn't Yu Xingchen send her here? Did Yu Xingchen tell her? "

Gu Junzhu shook his head with a smile, "I have no injustice or hatred with Yu Xingchen. Why did he send such a trouble to me? Or do you have a grudge against Yu Xingchen? "

Ye Xingbei shakes his head. "No, the Yu family and the Ye family have a very good relationship. Brother Xingchen's father and ye Wuwei are good friends. Therefore, the middle words of the children of the Ye family and the children of the Yu family start from the word" Star "to show the close relationship between the two families. Brother Xingchen has a very good character and is very good to me. We have no hatred."

Gu Junzhu picked his eyebrows: "he is very good to you?"

The leaf Star North has no language, twisted a on his waist, "you don't what fly vinegar all eat good?"? I don't believe you can't see that brother Xingchen has no love for me! "

"Well," Gu Junzhu pinched her face, "he really has no love for you, but he cares about you very much. You can see it from the way he looks at you."

Although there is not much communication between Yu Xingchen and ye Xingbei, the police's observation is the sharpest and sharpest. They probably observe the intimate attitude between Ye Xingbei and him and the trust ye Xingbei has in him. Gu Junzhu is very fond of him with his eyes, from the initial concern to the final peace of mind.

This is also one of the reasons why he wanted to dig the bottom of the wall at that time.

"Well," Ye Xingbei said with a warm smile, "he is Li Ge's best friend. Li Ge is good to me, and he is also good to me."

"What's more, he seems to be fooling around, but in fact he has a sense of propriety," Gu Junzhu said. "He probably already knows the relationship between you and me from ye Xingli. He cares about you very much, but he behaves well. He doesn't care too much about you and my feelings. He's protecting you."

"I didn't think so much," Ye Xingbei said with a gentle smile. "I know he was kind to me. At that time, he was busy with business and didn't say hello to me. I didn't think he ignored me. I didn't think there was so much attention to him."

"That's why I say you are stupid," Gu Jun said, rubbing her head. "Knowing that you have a man, you still want to come to you. It's harmful and troublesome to you. For example, the person who really cares about you will consider everything for you and give up to add a little trouble to you. For example, Yu Xingchen, this is the man who has no responsibility and has a burden The difference between being a man and being a man. "

"You pull too far," heard Gu Junzhu mention what repair, ye Xingbei guilty to change the topic: "pull so much, what in the end do you doubt?"

She thought, "do you suspect that someone told Gan Xintong your identity and the relationship between you and me, and instigated her to come to you?" What about her purpose? Destroy our relationship? Or something else? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!