You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 648

"Yes, miss!" Snow strode toward Gan Xintong.

Without waiting for him to come to Gan Xintong, he pounced on Gu Jun with an arrow step, untied the clasp behind him with both hands, and even took off his underwear!

Ye Xingbei was shocked.

Her fierce step, block in front of Gu Jun Zhui.

Snow arrived in time, took off her coat and wrapped it around Gan Xintong. She raised her hand and cut her back neck with a knife, which made her faint. Then she put her on her shoulder and was ready to throw her out.

Gu Junzhu opened his mouth behind Ye Xingbei, and his voice was smiling, "close the basement for the time being, I'll use it."

"Yes, uncle!" Snow salutes him, carrying Gan Xintong back out.

Ye Xingbei was stunned for a long time before he looked back at Gu Junzhu and raised his eyebrows Are you useful? "

Her eyes narrowed slightly, not to mention dangerous.

Gu Junzhu couldn't be teased. He reached out and pinched her face: "Ye Xiaobei, you won't be jealous, will you? Although it's a good thing to be jealous, you can't be too picky. You're not afraid to have a bad stomach because the goods are so bad? "

“…… Go away Ye Xingbei knocked off his hand, "it's what you said. You can use it."

Gu Junzhu shook his head and sighed bitterly: "Ye Xiaobei, you have gone bad! How can your mind be so filthy? In a word, where do you want to go? "

Ye Xingbei

Gu Wuye, the most filthy in thought, actually said that her thought was filthy. She was really ha ha Da!

Gu Jun reaches out his hand to take her into his arms, bows his head and kisses her, "Ye Xiaobei, even the saplings know that she is a fake product, do you think I have to talk about it?"

Ye Xingbei turned his eyes, ha ha, "in case Gu Wuye has a heavy taste!"

The last two words, ye Xingbei said especially gnash teeth.

"Don't I feel dirty?" Gu Junzhu grinned and pinched her face: "she has been sleeping for more than three years by Ye Weikang. She said that she would take off her clothes when she takes off her clothes. She has no sense of shame. I feel sick even when I touch this kind of woman. You even eat this kind of vinegar. Ye Xiaobei, you are so jealous."

Ye Xingbei eyes slant him: "you mean, if she is clean, you touch?"

"No, no," Gu Junzhu raised his right hand, "Ye Xiaobei, you have to believe my loyalty. As long as you are my wife, I belong to you from head to foot, from body to heart, and she is an immortal, and I don't touch her!"

Ye Xingbei felt more comfortable and snorted, "this is about the same?"

"Ye Xiaobei..." Gu Jun bit her ear: "you are so jealous, you are not in love with me?"

"Don't you stink!" Ye Xingbei poked him in the chest, "we agreed that we are the legal couple who have obtained the certificate. We can divorce, but we can't be sorry for each other in marriage!"

Gu Junzhu grabbed her hand, bit her, pressed her on the sofa, and flicked her face with his finger: "Ye Xiaobei, I think you are a dead duck with a hard mouth. You are clearly in love with me, and you still don't admit it!"

"I said no, no!" Ye Xingbei put his hands against his chest and refused his approach: "since you are not interested in that woman, why do you want to shut her in the basement? You forget what Yeh did to her? Although she is a little confused, she has been locked up in the basement by Ye Weikang for several years, which is quite pitiful. Will she go crazy if you lock her in the basement again? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!