You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 647

Ye Xingbei said with a silent smile, "if you ask me to take my children out, I will take them out? Who are you? Why should I listen to you? "

"You owe me!" Gan Xintong looked at her angrily and said, "because I look like you, I'm targeted by Ye Weikang's changing state, and I've been locked up for more than three years! You are responsible to me! "

"Is there a hole in your head?" Ye Xingbei was amused by her divine logic, "you and ye Weikang have a look at each other, isn't it because you like him rich? You'll be locked up for three years. Isn't it because you're stupid and greedy? You say I'm responsible for you, and I'll be responsible for you. Which law stipulates that? "

"But ye Weikang was staring at me because I looked like you!" Gan Xintong said: "if I didn't look like you, ye Weikang wouldn't have chosen me as his target, and I wouldn't have been locked up by him for more than three years!"

"How funny you are Ye Xingbei angrily smiles back, "if according to your logic, you are harmed by Ye Weikang because you look like me, you should not rely on me, but should rely on your parents, blame them for not giving birth to you like me!"

"You..." Gan Xintong, speechless, stamped his foot and looked at Gu Junzhu in a twinkling of an eye: "I won't talk to you. I'll talk to Gu Wuye alone!"

Ye Xingbei hehe: "he is my husband. If you want to talk to him alone, you can talk to him alone? Have you asked my opinion? "

Gan Xintong said angrily, "can't I ask now?"

"Yes Ye Xingbei said, "I will answer you now No

"You..." Gan Xintong's eyes filled with tears: "don't bully people too much. I'm already very poor. Do you want to bully me?"

Ye Xingbei laughs, "it's very fashionable now that I'm weak and I'm reasonable, but I'm sorry, I don't eat that!"

"You You... " Gan Xintong stamped her feet and looked at Gu Jun with tears in her eyes: "Gu Wu ye, how can you look at such a rude and savage woman? Would you like to think about me? I am softer than her, more sensible than her, and more open to play, especially in bed... "

Ye Xingbei quickly covers xiaoshumiao's ears and pushes xiaoshumiao and Lingyue to Qiao Zui: "Xiaoqiao, take them to play."

"All right, little aunt!" Joe winked at her and left with the two little guys.

Gan Xin Tong as like as two peas in Gu Junzhu, who is still selling to herself: "five ye, I am almost the same as Ye Xing Bei, but I am much more interesting than her. You see Ye Weikang knows it. He has shut me for three years and refused to let me go. He locked me up and I could not bear to see me outside."

"Enough of you!" Ye Xingbei went to Gu Junzhu, reached behind him and twisted him, but he looked at Gan Xintong and frowned: "Why are you so shameless? He's my husband! You seduce my man in front of me. Do you think I'm dead? "

Gan Xintong ignored her and took off her coat directly, revealing the rough and slender water snake waist.

She turned around in front of Gu Junzhu and twisted her waist. She gave Gu Junzhu a wink: "fifth master, do you think I have a good figure? I can also do striptease, and I can play any depth bomb golf, as long as you speak... "

Ye Xingbei is about to vomit, "snow!"

"Yes, miss!" Snow came in.

Ye Xingbei pointed to Gan Xintong, "throw her out to me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!