You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 646

At the beginning, every time she took Ling Yue's hand, Ling Yue's body would be very stiff and her palms would sweat.

With more times, Ling Yue got used to it and no longer resisted her intimacy.

She can't help thinking that when Chi Qing recovers and has such good parents and brother, she can gradually forget her pain and become a happy little girl again?

As soon as the family got downstairs, the housekeeper walked quickly into the living room. "Young master, young lady, a police officer named Yu Xingchen put a young lady named Gan Xintong at our door, saying that she wanted to see the young master."

"Gan Xintong?" Ye Xingbei looks at Gu Junzhu with a strange look on his face. "The woman who was locked in the basement by Ye Weikang? What does she want from you? "

Gu Jun put the saplings on the ground and asked the housekeeper, "where is Yu Xingchen?"

The housekeeper replied respectfully, "officer Yu left Miss Gan outside the door."

Gu Jun by low smile scolded a, command housekeeper: "let her in."

The housekeeper was ordered to leave.

Soon, Gan Xintong was led into the living room.

She was dressed, dressed up clean and refreshing, and looked more like Ye Xingbei.

But it's just like her. Her temperament and delicate appearance are far less than those of Ye Xingbei.

Standing face to face with Ye Xing, it's like a fake with the real one on the opposite side.

She stood opposite Ye Xingbei and examined Ye Xingbei with critical and hostile eyes.

Sapling look at Gan Xintong, and then look at Ye Xingbei, "wow" exclaimed: "this aunt and mother look like ah!"

Gan Xintong lifted her hair, like some proud: "children, do you think I look like your mother?"

"Yes, yes!" Sapling tilted his head to look at her: "but you are very ugly, not as good-looking as my mother! My mother is the real product of noble atmosphere, you are a fake

The smile on GaN Xintong's face froze, "what are you talking about?"

The little sapling's eyes flashed, "I'm not talking nonsense, I'm serious!"

Gan Xintong angrily glared at him, "you are not weaned, what do you know?"

The sapling was fiercely retreated a few steps.

Ling Yue held the little sapling's hand, turned to his side and stood in front of him. Looking at Gan Xintong's face, he said coldly, "Auntie, have you had a plastic surgery? You have to be careful. Don't get angry casually. It's easy to get angry. Your nose will be crooked and your chin will be lost. I heard that the prosthesis in your chest will also fall and fall into your stomach. "

"The prosthesis in the chest?" The sapling looked up and down at Gan Xintong, and his eyes flashed curiously: "brother Xiaoyue, what is the prosthesis in the chest?"

Ye Xingbei: "er..."

Her eyes just caught a glimpse of Joe in the yard, with a bunch of keys on his fingers, walking leisurely, not knowing where to go.

She quickly picked up sapling and Ling Yue's hand, quickly walked a few steps, and called Joe drunk: "Little Joe, are you busy?"

Joe drunk looked back at her, the smile on her face was even more dazzling than the bright sunshine: "I'm ok. I'm bored and want to go out for a walk. Little aunt, what do you want to do with me?"

Ye Xingbei pushed xiaoshumiao and Lingyue to him: "some guests are coming, Xiao Qiao, take them to play."

"No," Gan Xintong said to Ye Xingbei with her hair lifted again. "You'd better take the children out to play. I have something to say to Gu Wuye alone." , the fastest update of the webnovel!