You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 645

He gave a kiss on Ye Xingbei's white neck and sighed with satisfaction: "it's very tender and fragrant! Especially the stamens, there is sweet honey, thick and fragrant... "

“……” Ye Xingbei's face turned red. He pushed and thumped: "go away! You're so rich and expensive, are you? You're a dead man

"What rich family is more expensive than others?" Gu Junzhu hugged her, his cheek buried in her neck, and he said with a low smile, "now the man holding you has rolled in the mud, slept in the place where birds don't pull excrement, drunk the water in the mountains, and eaten the dry steamed bread that can throw the dead. Have you ever seen such a rich family?"

Ye Xingbei It's not that a rich family is more expensive than a young one, but also that they should have the moral integrity of being a man, right? You have no face

"That's shameless?" Gu Junzhu hugged her and rubbed her lips in her ear: "honey, I used to live in a monk's temple. Even a female mosquito is rare. A group of big men can't see a woman all the year round. They all live by playing jokes. I know a lot about it. I say one every day, and I don't think it's important to talk about it for a year. Just now it's just an invisible joke. I'll drive a flying car, honey Do you want to get in the car? "

Ye Xingbei spat at him You talk about it! Said to sleep on the sofa tonight! "

Gu Jun chuckles and pinches her face. "Why, baby, I haven't driven a fast car yet, so you want to try piay?"

Ye Xingbei If you say that again, I'll turn over! "

"Good, good, no more." Mr. Gu raised his hand and gave her a kiss. What else did he have to say? The door was knocked.

"Dad, mom!" Xiaoshumiao's crisp voice rang out at the door: "don't you mean to take me and Xiaoyue brother to play? Can we have it today? "

Ye Xingbei quickly stood up from Gu Jun, straightened his clothes and hair, and cleared his throat: "yes

She walked quickly and found that the door was locked. No wonder the saplings couldn't get in.

The leaf Star North rolled a white eye son, that goods definitely does not mean good, fortunately her precious son comes in time.

As soon as the door opened, the sapling rushed in, rushed into Ye Xingbei's arms and looked up at her, "Mom, why do you lock the door in broad daylight? Are you going to do something with your father that is not suitable for children

Ye Xing North corner of the mouth smoked, patted his small head: "don't talk disorderly!"

"Isn't it?" The sapling touched Ye Xingbei's belly and was disappointed: "isn't mom and dad making a sister for the sapling?"

Ye Xingbei

Son, you have too many questions!

Gu Jun chuckles and walks over, hugs the sapling in his arms, flicks his forehead, "where do you want to play?"

The little guy's attention was immediately diverted, "you can play anywhere! Go to the place where dad thinks it's best to play! "

"Good!" Gu Jun gave him a kiss and carried him out: "go, take our saplings to the best place to play!"

Ye Xingbei followed him and sapling, and naturally took Ling Yue's hand.

Ling Yue also obediently let her lead, steady walk in her side.

She looks down at Ling Yue and smiles gently.

Ling Yue also looked up at her. Although she didn't smile, her face was not so tight. Her eyes were black and bright. Her eyes were full of closeness and trust.

She couldn't help but gently touch his face, more smiling. , the fastest update of the webnovel!