You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 629

Ye Weikang's face turned blue and white. He struggled and swore, "this is Laozi's place. Why do you break in? You all get out of here! "

Ye Xingli gave him two slaps in the face and beat him speechless for a long time.

The woman's emotion is very excited, nothing, staring at Ye Xingbei, crazy general shout: "it's you It's all because of you It's you who made me... "

Gu Jun glanced at the crazy woman and asked Ye Xingli, "what are you going to do?"

Ye Xingli had no idea and asked: "brother five, what do you say?"

"Let's call the police," Gu Junzhu said, "it's the people surnamed Ye. Only when we call the police can we stop other people surnamed Ye."

It can also prevent the Ye family from pleading.

Gu Junzhu did not know ye Bingjun.

But according to his experience, the small ones usually come to the old ones.

If ye Weikang has an accident, ye Bingjun will plead.

The police report to the public. No one wants to bend the law for personal gain.

If it's private, maybe it's open.

He would never allow that to happen.

This woman and ye Xingbei are six or seven points similar. When I think of Ye Weikang facing this woman, my heart is Ye Xingbei. He is disgusted like a fly.

Ye Xingli was a bit embarrassed: "will the police be bad for the reputation of the Ye family? If this kind of thing spreads, our family will become a joke. "

"Just find a trustworthy policeman and don't let the media know," Gu Jun said faintly. "Do you always have reliable police friends in your Ye family?"

Ye Xingli nodded: "that's true."

But he still couldn't make up his mind, "why don't you take care of these two first, and I'll go back and discuss with my brother? It's a matter of honor for the Ye family. I dare not make my own decisions. "

"Well, let's discuss it," Gu Jun said faintly, "anyway, if you don't call the police, I will report it."

Ye Xingli

What's wrong with him?

He gritted his teeth: "newspaper! Call the police

In fact, he knew in his heart that he should have called the police in case of such incidents. This is a good citizen who abides by the law.

But most of the private affairs in the rich families don't want to be publicized. Few people choose to call the police. They are generally private.

I hope the news can be kept secret.

He made up his mind to call the police, called his friends in person, asked them to bring reliable confidants, and kept the news to a minimum.

Ye Weikang didn't expect that he actually called the police, angrily scolded: "Ye Xingli, is that shit in your head? How can we call the police for such a thing? Do you want the reputation of the Ye family for a hundred years? No police! Don't call the police! "

If he didn't report to the police, he would suffer at most. Afterwards, he was sent abroad to avoid the limelight.

Call the police, he's going to jail!

This kind of thing, how can we call the police?

Isn't this a shit bowl on your head?

He roared madly: "Ye Xingli, you idiot, do you want the Ye family to be a joke for others? Don't call the police

Ye Xingli while talking to friends on the phone, while raising his legs to give him a few feet, motioned Zhenqi to block his mouth.

Hang up the phone, ye Xingli still can't get rid of his anger, kick him to the ground, step on his face and say: "who has shit in his head? Do you know that this kind of thing will affect the reputation of the Ye family? Now I think of the reputation of the Ye family. Why didn't you think about it when you did this kind of change Oh, by the way, your Ye family and my Ye family are not the same. If your Ye family's reputation is ruined, it will be ruined. Anyway, your family has no good reputation! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!