You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 628

Ye Xingli stepped on his face, stepped on his face deformation, speechless: "became a prisoner, but also so many words, you say you are not brain damage is what?"

Ye Weikang's cheekbones hurt as if they were going to be broken. He couldn't say a word.

Since the person in the video is not ye Xingbei, Gu Junzhu no longer has scruples. He takes out his mobile phone and sends a text message to his subordinates, asking them to check Ye Weikang.

An hour has not yet arrived, ye Xingli's people first came the news that ye Weikang has a villa in the suburbs, in which there is a basement equipped with a password lock.

Gu Junzhu, ye Xingbei and ye Xingli immediately take ye Weikang and ye Tao to the suburban villa.

Because the location of this villa in the suburb is too remote, and the later marketing is not good, the occupancy rate is very low after the repair.

The distance between villas is very large, surrounded by lakes and woods, sparsely populated, it looks gloomy.

Several people came to the entrance of the basement locked by the code in the entrance of the bodyguard, and found that there was an ordinary door outside the basement.

Ordinary door open, inside is the security door with password lock.

The combination lock is made of fingerprint and iris.

The bodyguard escorts Ye Weikang, putting his finger on the fingerprint lock and aiming his eyes at the iris lock.

With a click, the security door opens.

Ye Weikang can't help scolding.

The bodyguard simply pulled something and put it in his mouth.

Several people entered the basement.

Along the long corridor, into the basement, ye Xingbei shocked.

The area of this basement is much larger than that of ordinary basement, at least more than 100 square meters.

The floor of the basement is covered with long white blankets. There are all kinds of household appliances in the room. The decoration is just like the room of an ordinary family.

On the sofa in the basement, a woman was watching TV.

Seeing someone come in, the woman straightened up from the sofa.

Seeing her, ye Xingbei immediately covers Gu Junzhu's eyes That woman, naked, not inch.

When the woman saw Ye Xingbei, she was surprised. When she saw Ye Weikang, who was escorted by bodyguards and beaten, she got excited and ran to him. She asked eagerly, "are you here to save me? You're here to save me, aren't you? "

She didn't wear any clothes, so she ran to the public, but there was no shelter at all, and there was no shame on her face.

Zhenqi took off her coat and threw it on her.

She froze and spread her coat around her body.

Zhenqi is tall and petite. Zhenqi's coat is as big as a robe on her body. All the places that should be covered are covered. Ye Xingbei takes his palm away from Gu Junzhu's eyes.

The woman grabs Zhenqi's coat and looks at people curiously.

When her eyes fell on Ye Xingbei's face, she was stunned and screamed, "it's you It's you... "

She screamed and rushed over, reaching for ye Xingbei's collar. Gu Chi came forward and opened her hand.

She stares at Ye Xingbei and screams like crazy. She rushes to Ye Xingbei and is caught by Gu Chi.

She tried her best but couldn't move. Her angry features were ferocious and her face was twisted: "it's you It's you It's all because of you... "

Ye Xingbei frowned at her and couldn't help coming to Gu Junzhu.

Gu Jun put his hand around her shoulder and took her in his arms.

Ye Xingli grabs Ye Weikang's hair and tears off the things in his mouth: "tell me, what's going on?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!