You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 630

The leaf star leaves the mouth to put the cruel words, but actually also happy mouth.

He knows that ye Weikang's "leaf" is not his "leaf" but the masses who eat melons don't know.

When the story of Ye Weikang spread, his reputation as "Ye" also stinked.

To call the police is to call the police, but he must make sure that this matter will not be known by the media, otherwise when his brother wakes up later, he will be killed by his brother.

There are few people here, so it's easy to avoid people's eyes and ears, so they wait here where they haven't gone.

His friend came very quickly, because he repeatedly told me to keep it secret, so he took two people to his car.

His friend walked into the basement, his eyes swept around the basement, "Oh," a voice, "isn't this the real version of" escape "

Escape is a very famous movie. It tells the story of a high school student who was kidnapped by a change of state after school, put into a room like the basement, and finally escaped from the basement after more than ten years of seclusion.

Ye Xingli touched him with his elbow, "Yu Xingchen, let you come here to do business, not to see the excitement! You promise me that it will not be publicized, or I will peel your skin before my brother peels my skin! "

Yu Xingchen exaggeratedly covers his belly and looks at his subordinates: "Wen An, quick, write it down, ye Ershao threatens the national public servants, his arrogant and domineering behavior is heinous! This is right... "

Wen an interrupted him: "boss, we are handling a case."

Yu Xingchen touched his nose and put an end to his performance.

See him no longer play essence attached body, ye Xingbei and he say hello: "star brother."

Yu Xingchen nodded, "is Beibei back?"

He looked at Ye Xingbei and the fruity woman whose mouth was blocked. He frowned and looked at Ye Xingli: "this is..."

He didn't finish his words, but the tacit understanding between his friends made Ye Xingli understand what he didn't finish.

Ye Xing from hate gnash teeth, and give ye Weikang a foot: "beast!"

Yu Xingchen frowned more tightly, without just the frolic appearance: "it's really bad to get out. Let's examine it here. I promise that the news will be covered tightly."

Ye Xingli was satisfied, "finally said a word."

Yu Xingchen gave him a white look and ignored him. He began to collect evidence, ask questions and take notes with his two subordinates.

During this period, ye Weikang wanted to put on the spectrum of the young master of the Ye family. He didn't cooperate very much. He looked like a dead pig was not afraid of boiling water, and Lao Tzu couldn't say anything.

As a result, with Yu Xingchen's hand, ye Weikang had half his life left. He collapsed on the ground and asked what to say. He was like a grandson.

Ye Xingli was very satisfied, and said to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, "to deal with animals, it's still up to their ancestors. It's called one thing down one thing."

Gu Jun by hook lips: "this police is good, quite my appetite, I do not know if he is interested in changing a job."

Ye Xing smoked from the corner of his mouth: "his family is a police family, and his grandfather is the boss of the police of Y country. He is his grandfather's successor. Do you think he is interested in changing his job?"

Gu Wuye expressed regret: "that's a pity."

He likes this kind of person who doesn't play cards according to common sense, has good character, but does bad things.

Of course, upright and upright people are also very good, but many things can not be done by upright and upright people. Only these "bad people" can do it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!