You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 627

Zhen Qi gave Ye Weikang's video to Ye Xingli: "young master, I didn't find the video."

Hearing the word "video", ye Weikang's face changed.

Ye Xingli turns on his mobile phone and turns it over. He finds nothing and gives it to Gu Junzhu.

Gu Junzhu points on his mobile phone and finds a hidden folder.

Open the inside of the video to see a few eyes, look instantly become very relaxed.

He handed the mobile phone to Ye Xingbei: "it's not you. It's just like you. Don't worry."

Ye Xingbei picked up his mobile phone.

Ye Xingli also came to have a look.

In the mobile phone, a man is pressing on a woman and gnawing at her neck.

Women have nothing to wear, most of the body are covered by men, can only see a side face.

I have to say that the woman in the video has a very similar face to Ye Xingbei.

At least 70%.

But whether ye Xingbei or Ye Xingli, you can see that the person in the video is not ye Xingbei.

Finally, I saw the video of Ye taokou, and confirmed with my own eyes that the person in the video is not myself. The heavy stone in Ye Xingbei's heart fell to the ground safely.

She put the mobile phone in Ye Xingli's hand, afraid that there was any restriction level behind, so she didn't continue to watch.

For her, as long as the person in the video is not her.

But for Gu Junzhu and ye Xingli, when they think of Ye Weikang playing with the woman under their body, they may think that ye Xingbei is in their mind. They feel disgusted like eating flies.

Ye Xingli throws the mobile phone on Ye Weikang's face, and ye Weikang screams.

Ye Xing stepped forward, stepped on his chest and asked: "who is the woman in the video? Why do you record this video? "

"Ye Xingli, you let me go, you are crazy!" Ye Weikang roared angrily: "that's my girlfriend. It's none of your business for me to play with my girlfriend? Let go of me, or we'll go to my uncle and granddad to judge! "

"I'm not afraid of you even if you go to my uncle to judge me!" Ye Xingli's toes: "you have a girlfriend, why don't I know? Why do you find a woman who is so similar to Beibei to make a video? What's your intention? "

"Damn you Ye Weikang's face was ferocious and he swore, "what kind of girlfriend do I want you to approve? Which law says I can't find a girlfriend who looks like Ye Xingbei? I like Ye Xingbei. Is it against the law? "

"Keep your mouth clean!" Ye Xingli kicked him in the face, and the bleeding came from his mouth and nose.

The leaf star leaves still can't untie spirit, and kicked two feet on his face, "you scold again a try, I pulled out your full mouth teeth!"

Ye Weikang is a 250. He is not stingy, but he is also a bully.

He suffered a lot in Ye Xingli's hands. His two front teeth were knocked out by Ye Xingli.

See Ye Xing leave ferocious vision, he vomited blood, did not dare to speak again.

"The environment in the video doesn't look like a normal place. The time of the video, as well as in recent months, shows that he still has contact with that woman," Gu Junzhu said to Ye Xingli. "Send someone to check the industry under his name, especially in remote places, or places like your home with basements."

"Why do you check me?" After listening to Gu Junzhu's words, ye Weikang struggled desperately: "Ye Xingli, don't be shameless. Do you think you can ride on our heads and have a shit if your uncle gives you the surname ye? I tell you, you TM is Jiang, I am Ye! You'd better be a man with your tail between your legs, or our surnamed ye will unite and drive you foreign dogs out of Ye's house! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!