You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 626

"Ye Weikang," said Ye Xingli, gnashing his teeth and angry, "is very familiar. Ye Weikang is the second son of Ye Tao's second uncle. He has been pestering Beibei. I beat him once and knocked out two of his teeth. Since then, I haven't seen him scratch Beibei any more. I thought he had given up his mind. He really can't change his shit."

Gu Junzhu asked, "is he in state y now?"

Ye Xingli said: "it should be. I saw him in Ye two days ago."

"Then catch it," Gu Junzhu said, "catch it here, and let him confront Ye Tao."

"No! No Ye Tao screamed bitterly: "if he knows, I told you about the video, he will kill me!"

Ye Tao struggled desperately, wriggling in the direction of Ye Xingli, crying: "second cousin, I'm your cousin! We're all surnamed Ye. We're a family. Please, have pity on me. I'm still young. Please, let me go. "

"We are all surnamed ye?" Ye Xingli sneered, "didn't you say that I should go to Jiang? Now I think of our surnames ye? It's too late

"No!" Ye Tao shook his head desperately: "all I said was angry words! Second cousin, please don't be so cruel. You can't do this. I just made a small mistake. I don't have the video in my hand. I just told a little lie. You can't do this to me! "

Ye Tao's whole life is broken down.

Who said that these people are all well-known and law-abiding?

Who said they were good people?

How can a good man do such a vicious thing?

They're not good people, they're demons!

Ye Xingli just laughs and doesn't argue with her any more. Instead, he turns back and orders Zhenqi to catch Ye Weikang.

Zhenqi solemnly takes orders and takes people away.

Ye Tao collapsed on the ground, crying hoarse voice: "you are bad people, are the devil, you are so vicious, you will die hard! You'll all get retribution. You'll have to die! "

She's crazy. She's talking.

Shock Chu frowned, pulled group thing, see Gu Junzhu and leaf star from didn't stop, put that group thing into leaf peach mouth.

Ye Tao lay on the ground, his mouth was still crying, tears could not stop flowing down.

Gu Junzhu looks at her, and doesn't move at all. What he thinks in his heart is Ye Xingbei.

If the video is true, how helpless should she be when she was locked up in the basement?

When he thought about it, there was a tearing pain in his heart.

He was in a trance, and then suddenly recovered. Ye Tao is now awake, and ye Xingbei was in a coma.

Even if she was molested, she was unconscious.

No matter whether the video is true or not, as long as he turns it into a fake, she won't be sad or cry.

At this moment, he has made up his mind.

No matter whether the video is true or false, the final conclusion can only be false.

As for ye Weikang, it doesn't matter. He has 10000 ways to make him pay the most painful price with other charges.

Although the Ye family sometimes have a bad brain, they are not efficient. However, in more than half an hour, ye Weikang was resisted into the basement by Ye Xingli's bodyguards.

The bodyguard threw Ye Weikang on the ground.

With the sound of "bang", ye Weikang hummed and woke up from his coma.

He slowly opened his eyes and found that his hands and feet were tied. Then he looked at Gu Junzhu and ye Xingli in front of him. He looked at Ye Xingli and asked, "second cousin, what are you doing?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!