You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 625

"Yes," Ye Xingbei said in a trembling voice, "it doesn't matter It's like a play. I don't mind I don't mind at all... "

Her body shakes badly, Gu Jun hugs her heartily: "darling, take a deep breath, it's OK, don't be afraid, it may not be true, wait for me to find out the truth."

His palm gently patted Ye Xingbei, looking at Ye Tao's eyes, but cold and sharp as a cold sword: "are you sure the person in the video is Beibei?"

Ye Tao cried and shook his head sadly, "I don't know The light is very dark. I can't see clearly. I look like Ye Xingbei, but I'm not sure if it's her, but I look at the surrounding environment like a basement... "

"I, I remember one time I went to the big cousin's house with some elder brothers and sisters. I heard that ye Xingbei was locked in the basement by the big cousin. Then I saw that cousin Weikang's face was salivating. Then he found an excuse and left our team..."

"I know that cousin Weikang, he and he always covet the beauty of Ye Xingbei. He often says that ye Xingbei is the most beautiful woman he has ever seen. She is beautiful and has good skin. It must be very comfortable to hold her in his arms. So when I saw that video on his mobile phone later, I thought of the time when ye Xingbei was locked up in the basement..."

"I guess it, I guess it all I was so anxious that I racked my brains to find a way, and then I thought of the video in cousin Weikang's mobile phone... " She cried hoarse. She looked at Ye Xingli and begged desperately: "second cousin, I haven't done anything. You can't do this to me. Please, let me go. You go to find cousin Weikang. The video is on his mobile phone. It's none of my business..."

"Do you hear me?" Gu Jun stroked Ye Xingbei's back and said in Ye Xingbei's ear, "she can't be sure that the woman in the video is you. Maybe she's just someone who looks like you. Don't scare yourself. If you can't get the right person, just find a similar substitute. This kind of thing is everywhere. It's nothing new."

Since ye Tao can't tell whether the person in the video is Ye Xingbei or not, it means that the definition of the video is very poor.

He has calculated in his mind that even if the person in the video is Ye Xingbei, he can make the person in the video not ye Xingbei.

With his skill, it's a piece of cake.

Now the only difficulty is that ye Xingbei doesn't want his men to see the video, and he doesn't want to.

Therefore, this matter can not be left to him.

He's going to do it himself.

He looked at Ye Tao coldly, "so, you don't have a video, only your cousin Weikang has it. Does he know that you use the video to threaten Beibei?"

"He didn't know," Ye Tao cried and shook his head. "I peeked at the video on his mobile phone when he was drunk. Later, when he woke up, I asked him if the woman in the video was Ye Xingbei. He turned over with me and scolded me. He said that I had stolen his privacy and that I had read it wrong. If I dare to go out and talk, he will kill me..."

"He's a man of two hundred and fifty, yin and ruthless. He can do everything to annoy him. I don't dare to annoy him. I didn't dare to mention the video with anyone," Ye Tao said with tears. "That was three years ago. I'm not sure whether the video is still there. I just thought about it suddenly and used it to threaten Ye Xingbei. Maybe the video has been there for a long time No more... "

Gu Jun stroked Ye Xingbei's back and looked at Ye Xingli in a twinkling of an eye: "are you familiar with that Weikang?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!