You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 624

Ye Xingbei tightly hugs Gu Junzhu's neck, and his cheek is buried in his neck socket, which has not moved for a long time.

The hot and humid liquid wetted Gu Junzhu's skin and scalded his heart.

He hugged Ye Xingbei, bowed his head and kissed the top of her hair, and looked at Ye Tao: "for no reason, there will be no empty holes. Why do you come up with a video method to threaten Beibei?"

"I'm bullshit!" Ye Tao sobbed: "Dad said, let me ask big cousin to take back the order, if the whole family because I lost my job, dad will drive me out of the house, I'm afraid, I go to ask big cousin, but big cousin refused to see me, I have no way, just come up with such a way to threaten Ye Xingbei."

She cried miserably and begged: "second cousin, Beibei, please, you have pity on me. I have no malice. I just want to help my father get their work back. I don't have any video in my hand. I didn't want to hurt Beibei at all. Please, please forgive me. I just did something wrong and shouldn't be punished so severely Please let me go, please

Ye Tao's crying heart and lung.

She thinks the world is too unfair.

What did she do wrong?

Didn't she just play a little bit and scold Ye Xingbei?

How can she be punished like this?

Ye Xinglan and ye Xingli are too inhuman.

Ye Xingbei is a bitch.

If it wasn't for ye Xingbei, she is still a good miss of her Ye family. How could she fall into this kind of field?

"Don't get lucky," Gu Jun said faintly, "give me a reason, otherwise..."

He looks at the bodyguard of the Ye family.

Knowing this, the bodyguard squatted down beside Ye Tao and put his hand into the blanket covering Ye Tao.

"Ah Don't... " Ye Tao cried miserably, struggling desperately, "I said I said, I said everything

The bodyguard's hand moved up, pinched her shoulder: "come on, don't toss me, to tell you the truth, when you finish, I'll let you go."

Ye Tao is both afraid and resentful. Her whole body is shaking and her brain is in a mess. The secret hidden in her heart can no longer be hidden, "I don't have video, I really don't have video I accidentally saw the video from my cousin Weikang's mobile phone One day when he was drunk, I found him when he was watching secretly... "

Ye Xingbei looks back at her fiercely, with unbelievable eyes: "is there a video? Is there really a video? "

"There's really a video..." Ye Tao cried out: "but I didn't! It's none of my business. Please let me go. Please let me go. It doesn't matter... "

Ye Xingbei lost his soul, "there's a video There are videos... "

Just a few seconds later, her mood rose and fell, as if from hell to heaven, and then from heaven to hell again.

She can't hold on any longer. She's almost broken down.

She was black in front of her eyes and almost fainted.

"Shh, it's OK!" Gu Junzhu hugs her and kisses her with his lips close to her ear. His voice is magnetic and firm: "it may not be true. Don't scare yourself. Everything is possible at the moment you don't see the video."

Ye Xingbei hugged him tightly, shivering all over.

Gu Jun kisses her again and again, lips stick to her ear, voice is very low: "it's OK, ye Xiaobei, not afraid, even if it's true, you just said it? When you are an actor and perform a play, it's no big deal. I won't mind. Ye Xingli won't mind. All the people who care about you won't mind. So, you don't have to mind yourself. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!