You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 623

Gu Jun said faintly: "I naturally want to see it in person, whether you go or not is up to you."

Ye Xingbei said softly, "I'll go too."

Ye Xingli frowned: "not good? Although we are forced to do this kind of thing, it's not a matter of elegance. What do you want a girl to do? "

Ye Xingbei bit his lip: "I want to see it."

"It's OK. Just look if you want to." Mr. Gu's voice is fixed.

Ye Xing can't do without talking.

For the Ye family, it's too easy to catch a peach without knowing it.

But more than an hour later, ye Tao was taken to the basement.

When she woke up from her coma, she found herself bound and lying on the ground.

Gu Junzhu, ye Xingbei and ye Xingli stood not far from her.

She sat up in panic and yelled, "what do you want to do? You kidnapped me? Kidnapping is against the law. Do you know? "

Ye Xingli doesn't talk nonsense with her. He orders: "take off her clothes!"

Two bodyguards come forward to tear Ye Tao's clothes.

Ye Xing turned away from his back.

Ye Xingbei raised his hand to cover Gu junzhuo's eyes and turned him around, with his back to Ye Tao.

In the dim light of the basement, Gu Jun raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said softly, "what's the matter?"

Ye Xingbei gave him a kick.

Mr. Gu said nothing.

Ye Tao struggled desperately: "what are you doing? Are you crazy

Ye Xingli said: "we call it the way of the man, but also the way of the man! Didn't you say someone took a video of Beibei? Now we'll take your video! If you know something, you will hand in the video. Otherwise, as long as the video of Beibei spreads, we will put your video on the Internet and let everyone see it! "

Ye Tao's coat was soon torn to pieces, leaving only his underwear.

Ye Tao struggled desperately and cried: "Ye Xingli, are you crazy? How dare you do this to me? Let go of me! Let go of me

In Ye Tao's cognition, people like Ye Xingli should be well-known and decent.

Famous and decent people rely on their identity. Even if they deal with people, they are all aboveboard. They will never make this kind of insidious and ruthless means that can not be put on the table.

She can't believe that ye Xingli did this to her!

When she cried, her trousers were torn, leaving only her boxers.

A bodyguard of the Ye family took off his coat and trousers and fell on her, kissing her neck and scratching her.

Ye Tao is going crazy.

She finally determined that Ye Xing was just talking.

He's serious.

In the pressure on her bodyguard to say "quick say, don't say I went in" threat, ye Tao finally roared out: "I say! I said

The bodyguard quickly got up, grabbed a blanket and threw it on her.

Ye Tao curled up and cried hysterically, "Ye Xingli, you crazy man! How dare you do this to me? I'm your cousin! You're still not human? You beast

The bodyguard who retreated to one side frowned and bullied him again.

Ye Tao screamed: "I said! I said! No video, I'm lying! I don't have the video of Ye Xingbei in my hand! "

Ye Xingbei's mind relaxed, his feet softened, his eyes darkened, and his body faltered.

Gu Jun fished with his backhand and took her into his arms: "what's the matter?"

"Nothing." Ye Xingbei shakes his head with tears in his eyes and smiles on his face.

She put her arms around Gu Junzhu's neck and gave him a kiss. Her cheek was buried in his neck socket: "it's fake I have not been How nice... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!