You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 622

"You are so naive," Gu Jun said faintly, "what can you think of, can't Ye Tao think of? She's just putting forward a very easy requirement for Beibei because she's testing the influence of Beibei in our minds. "

"Your previous abuse of Beibei led Ye Tao not to know how much Beibei was in your mind."

"And me, she didn't know me, didn't know how deep my relationship with Beibei was, so she just tentatively put forward a problem that was easy to solve."

"But if we happily agreed to her request, she will know that Beibei has a lot of weight in our mind. The video in her hand is a treasure, and she can use that video to exchange a lot of benefits."

"If she does have that video in her hand, she will hide it better and make it harder for us to get it."

Gu Jun glanced at Ye Xingli one by one, and finally said: "it seems to be the simplest solution to agree to Ye Tao's conditions, but it's actually the stupidest. People like Ye Tao find that video can be exchanged for benefits. It's impossible to return the video to us after meeting her requirements. Instead, they rack their brains to keep the video better, so as to ensure her safety and her safety We can get more benefits in the future. "

"Yes, it sounds reasonable," said Ye Xingli, scratching his back. "For ye Tao, the video is a golden chicken that can lay golden eggs for her, and she is reluctant to give it back to us."

He looked at Gu Junzhu: "brother five, what's your second plan?"

"Grab Ye Tao," Gu Junzhu said coldly, "since our current analysis is more inclined to Ye Tao's lack of video, we should directly grab Ye Tao, and then treat her in her own way, warning her that if she really has Beibei's video in her hand, the moment Beibei's video appears on the Internet, her video will also appear on the Internet."

Ye Xingli I think this method is feasible! As long as ye Tao is not crazy and wants to pull Beibei to die together, this method will certainly work. "

He thought, "with my understanding of Ye Tao, she doesn't have the courage. Even if she really has Beibei video in her hand, she doesn't have the courage to lead Beibei to die together."

"That's the way to do it," Gu Jun asked, "do you want to catch it or do I?"

Ye Xingli immediately said without hesitation: "I catch it!"

Afraid of being robbed by Gu Jun, he orders Zhenqi and zhenchu to arrest people without delay for a second.

Gu Jun by listen to his arrangement is still safe, has tried his best to avoid the grass startles the snake, he did not make a sound.

After ye Xingli hung up, he said: "arrange the place immediately. Ye Tao grabs it. Don't delay for a second. Shoot the video directly and threaten her at the same time. Ask whether the video exists as soon as possible. If the video exists, ask how she wants to put it on the Internet. Solve the problem immediately. If she has a companion, just ask me They are fast enough to find out the whereabouts of her companions before they can react, and then solve them together! "

"This is simple, the basement is OK." after a pause, ye Xingli looked at Gu Junzhu and said: "brother five, let the people below do it. I don't trust. Shall we go and look at it? Look at it with your own eyes and be sure in your heart. "

In their capacity, it's not good to watch such a thing.

But if they don't see it with their own eyes, they are afraid that there will be a sudden situation that the people under them can't deal with. , the fastest update of the webnovel!