You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 621

"Brother five, isn't that self contradictory?" Ye Xingli frowned: "you just said that although Li Yi said it absolutely, you can't rule out the possibility of someone entering the basement without Li Yi's knowledge. Now you say that it's not likely that someone will sneak into the basement quietly. These two words obviously conflict with each other!"

"It's not a conflict," Gu Junzhu explained. "I have prepared two plans. One is for someone to sneak into the basement, and the other is for no one to sneak into the basement. Now, although we are not sure whether there was anyone sneaking into the basement in that year, we can analyze from Li Yi's words that the possibility of someone sneaking into the basement in that year is very small, and what we need to do is to improve the quality of life Now we can use the second option. "

He paused, looking at Ye Xingli, said faintly: "this kind of thing can only rely on reasoning and analysis, no one can guarantee that the conclusion drawn by reasoning can be 100% accurate, we can only choose the party that is more likely to bet."

Ye Xingli asked nervously: "what should I do if I lose the bet?"

"If you lose the bet, there are ways to deal with it," Gu Junzhu said, holding Ye Xingbei's hand and looking into Ye Xingbei's eyes. "Don't worry, you have to believe that no matter what decision I make, it's impossible for ye Tao to disclose the video Suppose the video in her mouth really exists! "

Looking at his bright and quiet eyes, ye Xingbei's confused and restless heart miraculously gradually settled down.

"Good!" She nodded and clenched his hand: "it doesn't matter if it leaks, I'm not afraid! Anyway Anyway, it doesn't really matter. I'll be It's like acting... "

Star Palace has many female artists and male artists hugging, kissing, naked play, etc., is common.

The big deal, she was acting as a passion play.

She hypnotized herself in this way, but people with long eyes could see that she just had a hard mouth.

She cares, and she cares.

Looking at her face as white as snow, Ye Xing was pained and comforted: "Beibei, don't be afraid. You have to believe my five brothers and me. If we still fight against Ye Tao, what face will we have in the future? You can rest assured that no matter what the process is, everyone will be happy in the end, absolutely no problem! "

"Well," Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "brother Li, I believe you."

See ye Xingbei trust eyes and encourage smile, ye Xingli immediately hit chicken blood like blood boiling.

He asked Gu Junzhu eagerly: "brother five, come on, what are your two plans like? I'd like to hear both the plans of people going into the basement and no one going into the basement. "

Gu Junzhu said: "if we are sure that someone really entered the basement in those years, now we can only retreat and promise Ye Tao's conditions first, stabilize her, let her hand in the video, and then try to deal with her."

"Yes Ye Xingli's eyes suddenly brightened: "brother five, I think we should use this method! No matter whether the video is true or false, we will use this method! This method is safe and will not harm Beibei. As for letting Ye Tao's brothers and sisters go back to their original posts, we don't mind. Now let them go back, and when the video problem is solved, let's let them go, OK? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!