You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 616

"Well," Ye Xingbei suddenly remembered something: "I told ya'er about Qiao Zui's and Fang Yao's injuries, and asked if she could cure them. Ya'er said that she wanted to see, maybe she could cure them. When Qiao Zui and Fang Yao came back, I asked ya'er to show them?"

Seeing that the silly girl herself was like this, she was still thinking about Qiao Zui and Fang Yao's injury. Gu Junzhu could not tell what she felt in her heart.

Silly girl is silly, but it's so silly.

He rubbed her head, "all listen to you, after the injury of Xiao Qiao and Fang Yao, I will trouble your little aunt."

Ye Xingbei knew that he deliberately amused her, and chuckled.

I don't know whether it's true or not. I can't scare myself to death first.

It's okay.

She's very strong.

She didn't believe that she could turn over the boat in the sewer this time.

It's fake.

It must be fake!

With this in mind, ye Xingbei and Gu Junzhu come to Ye's villa together.

Ye Xingli saw Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei, surprised: "brother five, Beibei, what's the matter? What happened? "

Dayu managed the flood by going through his family three times.

They came and separated, and they came and separated, and they saw each other three times a day.

Gu Jun asked: "where is ye Xinglan?"

Ye Xingli sighed, "my brother's injury is not very good. When I came back from the manor, I took painkillers and went to sleep. Brother five, what do you want to do with my brother?"

He looked at Beibei again. His frown was even tighter: "what's the matter? How come Beibei's face is so bad? "

His family can't stand any accident now. Seeing Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei now, he is as frightened as seeing a debt collector.

Gu Junzhu said: "we want to see ye Xinglan. Shall we go to him or let him come down to see us?"

"Not tomorrow?" Ye Xingli pleaded in a low voice: "brother five, Beibei, please, my brother is very bad these days. In a few days, he has lightened ten kilos and finally fell asleep. Otherwise, if there's anything you say to me, it's the same as me. These days, my parents and my brother are in poor health. I deal with everything at home. I'm serious, even I'm afraid of myself. I can do it What's the matter? "

“……” Ye Xingbei looked at Gu Junzhu and said, "it's the same as Li Ge."

She also believes that ye Xingli is no worse than anyone when he is serious.

Three people went to the living room, ye Xingbei lowered his head, listen to Gu Junzhu with the most tactful language, to Ye Xingli relayed Ye Tao's words.

Ye Xingbei knows that Gu Junzhu is afraid that she will be hurt by those words.

She bowed her head, clenched her fist and tried her best to hypnotize herself. It was not her fault. Even if it was true, she didn't mind.

After hearing this, ye Xingli turned pale and colorless.

He turned his eyes hard, looked at Ye Xingbei, opened his mouth and stammered. After a long time, he stammered and asked, "is this, is this true?"

"Hope is false," Gu Jun grabbed Ye Xingbei's hand, broke off her clenched fist, crossed her fingers, and grasped it vigorously. "I came here with Beibei to ask you and ye Xinglan, when Beibei was locked up in the basement, was there anyone guarding the basement, and did you doubt the target, and think who was most likely to do this kind of thing."

Gu Junzhu suddenly thought of something, turned to ask Ye Xingbei: "Beibei, ye taokou said those brothers, have you ever pursued you?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!