You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 617

Ye Xingbei shook his head, "I can't talk about any pursuit. There are two or three people who have harassed me, but after being beaten by Li Ge, they don't dare to make trouble again."

Gu Junzhu: harassment

"It's not harassment." Gu Junzhu's breath is too terrible. Ye Xingli quickly explains: "brother Wu, you know, a good girl has a hundred requests. Beibei has the title of the first beauty here. The men who like her have gone to sea. Ye Tao's brothers also have two or three admirers who once pursued Beibei, that is They are a little frivolous and beaten by me. Since then, they have been afraid and never dare to covet Beibei again. "

"Two or three?" Gu Jun by wring eyebrows, "if it is two or three, it is not easy to determine the goal."

If there is only one, it is that the person who has pursued Ye Xingbei is the most suspect. Just arrest that person directly.

Two or three, we can't catch them all.

If you make too much noise, it's easy to scare the snake.

If the other party is stimulated and really gets the video online, or lets many people watch it, he is afraid that it will become Ye Xingbei's nightmare all his life.

I'm afraid I'll hurt Yu Ping'er if I beat a mouse.

His mood at the moment, is the so-called taboo.

"Then directly arrest Ye Tao and torture her!" Ye Xingli clenched his fist fiercely: "just like her, if you catch it and beat a few whips, you must have done everything."

"She warned us," Ye Xingbei said, head down. "She said that she gave the video to a good friend. If she had any accident, her good friend would send the video to the Internet for everyone to see."

"Damn it Leaf star leaves the facial expression of the gas to turn green, mercilessly hit a punch of the table.

Like a trapped animal, he wandered around the room: "what to do, what to do, what to do..."

Gu Junzhu said: "you first find someone to ask, when Beibei was locked in the basement, was there a guard at the door, if so, find someone, I have something to ask him."

"Good." Ye Xingli agreed, took out his mobile phone and sent a text message. Clicking on the fingertips of the screen, he felt a little trembling.

When the message was sent out and his mobile phone was put away, he went to the north of Ye Xing, knelt down on one knee, took a deep breath, and looked up at Ye Xingbei, "Beibei, I'm sorry, I'm really, really sorry..."

Their family owes Beibei. It's probably not clear for a lifetime.

His elder brother does not like Beibei all the time. Whenever his father is in bad health, his elder brother will transfer his hatred for Jiang Zhengxing to Beibei and vent his anger on Beibei.

As long as he's at home, he's sure to protect him.

But he likes running all over the world. He spends more time outside than at home in a year.

He knew that Beibei had a hard time in this family with a small tree, but he underestimated the difficulty.

Like being locked up in the basement until he fainted, he never knew.

Ye Xingbei shook his head, "no, I've never been sorry for my brother."

"Yes," Ye Xingli looked down in shame, "I took you home, but I didn't protect you."

Ye Xingbei said with a smile, "but if you didn't bring me here, I would be more miserable if I stayed in Jiangcheng."

Jiang Zhengxing's family is full of snakes and scorpions.

If she didn't come to Y country with Ye Xing at that time, even if she didn't starve to death in the street, she would be killed by Jiang Zhengxing's family.

In any case, without Ye Xingli's protection and persistence, ye Xingbei would not be today. , the fastest update of the webnovel!