You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 615

He was silent for a long time before he put down his disordered thoughts and gradually recovered his clarity in his mind.

He rubs Ye Xingbei's head: "don't think about it so much. I'll ask people to check it first. If it's true, try to get the video first, and then clean up the scum and ye Tao. If it's fake, just clean up Ye Tao."

He calmed down and thought it over.

He still decided to continue to be a good man, continue to cast a good baby in the next life, as smart as this life, and then meet Ye Xiaobei.

If the scum in Ye Tao's mouth is real, it doesn't matter if he doesn't commit a crime until he dies, it's better not to kill him and let him live as if he were dead.

It's against the law to kill.

But there are many ways to make life worse than death.

He is very good at making scum life worse than death by not breaking the law and ethics.

He wanted to send a text message to his subordinates, but he was held down by Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei looks a little flustered, pressing the palm of his hand cold and shaking: "don't..."

She was flustered and embarrassed: "I, I don't want people to know..."

If what ye Tao said is true and Gu Chi knows it, how can she face those people who are under Gu Jun's control?

No one knows. She can pretend that nothing happened.

If Gu Junzhu's subordinates knew, she would not be able to face them with a normal heart in her life.

When she saw them, she would think of the video and feel embarrassed.

"It's my negligence," Gu Jun threw away his cell phone, held her cold shaking hand in his backhand, hugged her tightly and kissed her, "it's OK, don't be afraid, I'll find a way, don't let anyone know, don't be afraid."

Ye Xingbei bit his lip, calmed down and said in a low voice: "I want to contact brother LAN and ask him if there was any guard outside when I was locked in the basement. If there was any guard, does the guard know who went in to see me when I was in a coma? If the guard knows, we can directly ask someone to find that person and get the video."

Gu Jun by frown: "you are not afraid of Ye Xinglan know?"

Ye Xingbei thought, shaking his head, "not afraid."

She didn't know what her psychology was.

She was particularly afraid that Gu Junzhu's men would know about it, but she was not afraid that ye Xinglan would know about it She doesn't want to let ye Xinglan know if it is possible, but if what ye Tao says is true, if ye Xinglan is involved, the success rate will be much higher.

After all, ye Xinglan is the one who knows the Ye family best.

He knows the character and temperament of Ye Bingjun's descendants best.

Gu Junzhu looks at Ye Xingbei's pale and bleeding face and frightened eyes. At this moment, he suddenly knows what it means to care.

Always commanding, strategizing, he saw such a leaf Star North, the heart unexpectedly lost the past calm.

He forced himself to calm down and went through the whole thing in his mind. After confirming that the decision was correct, he nodded: "OK, let's go to find ye Xinglan."

They changed their clothes and were ready to go out.

After changing clothes, ye Xingbei suddenly thought of his son: "where are Xiaoshu and Xiaoyue?"

When she just came back, she was all in a mess and lost her soul. She didn't even think of asking where her baby son had gone.

"Qiao Zui and Fang Yao have taken them out to play," Gu Junzhu said, "don't worry about them. If Qiao Zui and Fang Yao are there, it's safe." , the fastest update of the webnovel!