You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 614

"Don't be afraid," Gu Junzhu looked at her pale cheek, distressed: "if there was such a video, she would have taken it out as a demon. How could she threaten you now? She's jumping off the wall in a hurry, fabricating lies and tricking you into pleading with her. "

"No wind, no fire," Ye Xingbei shook his head, "maybe Maybe it's true. "

"It's OK, don't be afraid," Gu Junzhu took her into his arms, gave her a kiss on her forehead, and rubbed her back comfortingly: "I'm here. Even if it's true, I'll take the video back. I won't let her make it public. It's OK, I'm not afraid."

Ye Xingbei still shook his head and looked up at him: "if If it's true, would you mind? "

"Of course not," Gu Junzhu said without hesitation, "Ye Xiaobei, what's the age now? Are you not pure if you are taken advantage of by others? That doesn't make sense

"But myself..." Ye Xingbei grasped the clothes on his chest, and his voice trembled: "if, if it's true, I will feel sick myself..."

She can't take it.

As long as the scene described by Ye Tao flashed through her mind, she felt sick.

"It's OK, it's ok..." Gu Junzhu patted her like a baby and kissed her hair top: "if it's true, I'll kill the one who did that, and let him disappear from the world. When he dies, all kinds of things in the past disappear, you can think that nothing has happened, and you don't have a bad heart."

Ye Xingbei laughs, "have you forgotten what you said to Chi Zhan? It's against the law to kill people. "

"Yes, it's against the law to kill people," Gu Jun nodded. "But it's not against the law to kill animals. If what ye Tao said is true, bullying an unconscious innocent girl, it's not a human being, it's a beast. You can kill it at will, and you can kill it several times in different ways."

"It's not that serious," Ye Xingbei said, clutching his clothes. "Although this kind of thing is very, very disgusting, it's not a crime to death."

Ye Xingbei took a few deep breaths and tried to relax himself. He looked up at him, "if it's true, don't kill for me. You said that we should be good people all our lives and cultivate the good fortune we will meet again in the next life. In the next life, I will have a good baby and protect myself."

Gu Jun by frown, hold her, "Ye Xiaobei, don't say such words, listen to you say such words, I feel flustered."

Ye Xingbei laughed, "what? Do you think I'll commit suicide because of this? It's not that serious

Speaking out, ye Xingbei is relaxed.

Even if it's true It's disgusting But She thought, she can afford it.

But my heart is still very sad.

If, if it is true, even if the person is found out, even if he paid the price, she will still be disgusted, right?

It's going to be disgusting for a lifetime.

Gu Junzhu hugs Ye Xingbei in his arms, bows his head and kisses him. His heart is in an unprecedented chaos.

At the moment, his heart was a very complex strange emotion of anger, heartache and hatred.

He has always been the most calm person, but at this moment, he suddenly became restless, and his chest was filled with the impulse to kill.

He has received the most orthodox education since childhood. He is rooted in Miao Hong. No matter what he does, he abides by laws, regulations and ethics, and never goes beyond the thunder pool.

But at the moment, he suddenly doesn't want to manage anything, just want to bully Ye Xiaobei's beast to pieces. , the fastest update of the webnovel!