You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 613

Ye Xingbei was staring at her, silent for a long time.

Ye Tao bit his lip. "Sister Beibei, you'd better think about it. I'll wait for your news."

After that, she turned and left.

Ye Xingbei's face is as white as snow. He looks at a certain point absentmindedly and doesn't know what he is thinking.

Gu Junzhu didn't say anything. He took her to the car and held her in a comfortable position. Then he asked softly, "what's the matter? What did ye Tao tell you? "

Ye Xingbei closed his eyes, as if he didn't hear anything. He was cold and shivering.

Gu Jun by frown tight eyebrow, more tightly will she embrace in the bosom, did not ask again.

Back at the villa, ye Xingbei plunges into the bathroom and comes out with a bathrobe for more than an hour.

Gu Junzhu also took a bath and leaned on the head of the bed in his pajamas.

He has a computer on his lap, but for more than an hour, he hasn't finished processing a single document.

He has always been very focused, and his mind can't help floating to Ye Xingbei. He secretly guesses what ye Tao says in Ye Xingbei's ear, which makes Ye Xingbei lose his soul after listening.

See ye Xingbei come out from the bathroom, he sat up straight, reach out to Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei put his right hand into his palm, sat down beside him, and grasped the bathrobe on his chest with the other hand: "Gu Junzhu, I have something to say to you..."

What ye Tao said was terrible, but she didn't mean to lie.

No matter what ye Tao said is true or false, Gu Junzhu has the right to know.

Gu Junzhu looked at her and pinched her face. Her voice was soft: "don't be so nervous. It's OK. Everything has me. You are my woman and my responsibility. No matter what happens, I will always help you."

Ye Xingbei nodded, took a deep breath and looked up at him.

She opened her mouth several times, only to find that she couldn't speak.

She couldn't help but close her eyes, turned her face to one side, clenched her chest clothes hand, and forced her bones to whiten: "just at the manor, ye Tao said to me She said Once, I made a mistake and was locked up in the basement by brother LAN. I was injured and fainted. Just then, she and one of her brothers went to play in brother Lan's house. One of her brothers knew that I was locked up in the basement and ran to the basement to see me. When he saw that I was alone in the basement, he He just

At this point, ye Xingbei trembled all over, tears dripping from the corner of his eyes, and could not say any more.

"It's impossible!" Gu Jun said coldly: "the first time we met, you were the first time, you have fallen red."

Ye Xingbei shook his head. "Ye Tao said that her brother didn't dare to do anything to me, but he He insulted me... "

Ye Tao's original words are that one of her brothers has always liked her. Seeing her in a coma in the basement, she couldn't help but take off her clothes.

Her brother has seen all the things she should watch and shouldn't watch. He also kisses her whole body and takes the video. When there is no one, he can enjoy it alone.

Thinking of Ye Tao's words, ye Xingbei feels cold all over and wants to die.

She didn't know whether ye Tao's words were true or false.

In her impression, there were several times when she was locked in the basement and fainted. When she woke up, she was already in her own room.

She didn't know if any of them had been violated.

Now What should I do?

If she was insulted by Ye Tao's brother, would Gu Junzhu mind?

And her own, if what ye Tao said is true, can she bear it? , the fastest update of the webnovel!