You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 608

Ye Xinglan did not answer her question, but looked at her coldly and asked: "why do you want to rob Beibei's room?"

Ye Tao is also very afraid of Ye Xinglan. Seeing that ye Xinglan's face is frightful, she is even more afraid.

Tears soon rose in her eyes, and she bit her lips wrongly: "big cousin, we have more people than Beibei sister, I..."

"What's the joke?" Ye Xingli sarcastically interrupts her, "I have more money, but you have less money. Should I share some of my money with you?"

"No, second cousin..." Ye Tao shakes her head with tears in her eyes. Stammered: "yes, I'm sorry, I'm wrong. I'm willful. I shouldn't rob Beibei sister's room..."

"Then why do you call Beibei the dog of Ye family?" ye Xinglan asked coldly, "Beibei is my sister. Who told you that she is the dog of Ye family?"

His eyes were too sharp and his breath was too cold and terrible. Ye Tao was scared and shrunk all over. Tears finally fell from his eyes.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." She choked and said, "I was just angry. I didn't mean it."

"Pass the order down," ye Xinglan stares at Ye Tao and says coldly, "in the future, all ye's industries will not allow Ye Tao to step into one step."

Zhenyuan immediately replied respectfully, "yes, young master."

"What?" Ye Tao's eyes widened in shock: "big cousin, are you crazy? Why are you doing this to me? "

"Just because the Ye family is mine, I am the heir of the Ye family, and you..." Ye Xinglan looked at her coldly and looked contemptuously: "you are nothing!"

Ye Tao was shocked and stepped back. Seeing her classmates who didn't know when to follow her, she felt that she had lost all her face.

"You've gone too far!" Ye Tao was angry and lost his reason: "who do you think you are? Your father is just a man who eats soft food. You should go to your Jiang, not ye! The Ye family belongs to our Ye family. What's the matter with your surname Jiang? "

Ye Xinglan sneered, "if the order goes on, ye Bingjun and all his descendants will have nothing to do with us. In the future, ye bingqun and his descendants will not be allowed to step forward in all our Ye's industries. All those who work in Ye's family will be dismissed and will never be used!"

These days, he has been under a lot of pressure. He doesn't know where to vent his anger. Someone has sent him to vent his anger. If he doesn't vent his anger well, isn't he too sorry for himself?

He is never inferior to anyone.

Zhenyuan still respectfully agreed.

Ye Tao has been stunned.

In disbelief, she opened her eyes to the largest extent and said, "no, no You, you can't... "

"Why can't I?" Ye Xinglan sneered, "although your grandfather and my grandfather are cousins, Ye's family has nothing to do with a dime of your grandfather's money. Let your father and your uncle work in Ye's family. That's my grandfather's charity. Do you really take it for granted?"

"That's right," said Ye Xingli mockingly. "You think if my father doesn't get involved, my grandfather's money will be given to your family. Go to your spring and autumn dream! If you don't want to repay your family's kindness and think about our family's property, even if we donate all our money, we won't leave it to you! "

Ye Xinglan's words are too terrible. Ye Tao is so scared that he almost faints. , the fastest update of the webnovel!