You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 609

Her father, her uncle and her two brothers, as well as several cousins and cousins, all worked in Ye family.

If everyone in the family lost their jobs because of her, wouldn't she be skinned?

The huge panic beat her down. Her legs softened and she knelt on the ground. She looked up at ye Xinglan and begged: "big cousin, I was just angry because I was too angry. I didn't mean to. Please don't do this. I'm wrong. I apologize."

"I don't accept apologies," said Ye Xinglan coldly. "I like to do things once and for all. Only in this way can you no longer feel superior in front of Beibei. Although you are also surnamed ye, my Ye family is not your Ye family. In the future, your family will be far away from me. I have no patience with you who are not familiar with you I'll just not feed you. "

After that, he no longer looked at Ye Tao, turned to Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei and said, "brother five, Beibei, go to my room and Xiaoli's room. I invite you to make amends for this meal."

In places like this, he and ye Xingli have their own private rooms. Even if they don't come, the manor will be reserved for them. They won't entertain guests.

Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei didn't refuse. They got up and went to his room with ye Xinglan.

Ye Tao cried hysterically behind them: "big cousin, you can't do this to me! I just made a small mistake on the spur of the moment. Don't do this to me. You will let my father kill me if you do this to me! "

All those who have affected their interests because of her will hate her.

She's just fighting for the moment and doing something wrong. How can she punish him in such a terrible way?

"Oh, by the way," Gu Jun stopped and looked back at Ye Tao, who was blocked by the bodyguards of the Ye family. "I almost forgot that she just called my wife the dog of the Ye family. I haven't settled with her yet."

Gu Chi came forward and slapped Ye Tao.

Gu Junzhu thought it was almost over. He waved his hand to let Gu Chi retreat. Looking at Ye Tao, he said with a smile, "if you don't know the situation, don't step on people casually. If you can't step on people, will it hurt if you step on a nail on the ground?"

Ye Tao's face was hit high swelling, pain in front of her eyes bursts of black.

Gu Junzhu's beautiful face is not true in her eyes. There is only one idea in her heart: such a good-looking man is so beautiful that people can't open their eyes. Why is his heart so cruel?

Is it true that people can't judge appearance?

A moment later, the four sat in ye Xinglan's private room. Under the guidance of Ye Xingli, they ordered their favorite dishes and a big table.

But even so, Ye Xing's good mood when he came to the North disappeared.

However, when Zhenyuan conveys ye Xinglan's meaning, ye Tao's brothers and sisters are dismissed from ye family. It is estimated that no one will dare to provoke her any more, and no one will dare to say that she is a dog of Ye family in front of her.

This is probably the only harvest today.

Ye Xingli could see that she was not in high spirits and comforted her: "Beibei, if ye Tao's brain is damaged, don't take it to heart. They not only look down on you, they also look down on me and brother LAN, and even my father. My grandfather has no son. They always feel that if it wasn't for my father's shameless burden, my grandfather would have adopted a child from their room, and I'll take care of him later My grandfather's family property belongs to his family. I don't know what it means! " , the fastest update of the webnovel!