You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 607

"I'll be right there." Hang up the mobile phone, ye Xinglan looks miserable.

He changed his clothes and went downstairs despite the pain.

He lives on the third floor. When he walks to the second floor, ye Xingli just comes out of their parents' room. Seeing him rushing downstairs, he says discontentedly: "I'm not asking you to stay in bed? I'll do everything at home. What are you doing out there? "

"There is a conflict between Beibei and Taotao," ye Xinglan said. "In Nanshan manor, I'll go and have a look."

"It must be ye Tao. They are bullying Beibei again!" Ye Xingli blew up and caught up with him in three or two steps. "I'll go too!"

Two people get on the car, gallop all the way to Nanshan manor.

When they arrived, Gu Junzhu and ye Xingbei sat in a window seat in the hall, chatting and eating.

Gu Jun by smile lazy, ye Xingbei also smile Yan Yan, can't see two people just had a dispute with people.

The manager knew that ye Xinglan was coming and had been guarding the gate of the manor for a long time.

See ye Xinglan's car into the manor, he quickly trot all the way to follow.

The car stopped and he helped to drive.

Ye Xinglan got out of the car. He immediately apologized in horror: "it's all my fault, young and old. I saw that there are only two people in Miss Beibei. I think it's too wasteful for them to use a room for ten people. It happened that Miss Taotao brought her friends to dinner, and there was no VIP room. I said that Miss Beibei had a room for ten people and asked Miss Taotao if she wanted to stay I'm going to fight with Miss Beibei for a room. As a result, Miss Taotao and miss Beibei quarreled about this... "

The manager is green with regret now.

I knew he would not say that.

There is no VIP room, and there is also a deluxe room. Why don't Ye Tao take his friends to the deluxe room?

Only when he was bewildered did he say that more, resulting in the present situation.

"Do you think it's a waste of two people and ten people?" Ye Xingli raised his leg and gave him a kick: "when did you tell the story of Beibei? Even if she wants to take care of the whole manor, I'm willing to. When will it be your turn to decide? "

"Yes, yes The manager complained bitterly in his heart and said: "today's things are all my fault. I'm not thoughtful."

"You're not thoughtless, you just look down on me."

Several people talk, have already walked to Gu Jun Zhui and leaf star north nearby.

Ye Xingbei heard the manager's words, light then a: "you are I think my things, let Ye Tao is reasonable, you think so, ye Tao also think so."

Ye Xingbei looks up and looks down on ye Xinglan, "brother LAN, please come here today. I want you to make it clear to your sister Taotao that ye Xingbei doesn't owe you anything, and your other brothers and sisters. Please make it clear to them. Don't talk about cats and dogs in front of me in the future. I'll listen to them once and call them once. Don't say I won't give them to you Face

Ye Xinglan's face was pale and his voice was hard: "it's my fault, Beibei. It's all my fault. I apologize to you."

He took out a card from his pocket and handed it to Ye Xingbei: "this is Ye's most respected membership card. In the future, any Ye's industry in the world, you just need to show this card, you can enjoy the most respected courtesy."

Ye Xingbei shook his head, "I don't want it."

Ye Xingli grabs the card from ye Xinglan's hand and puts it into Ye Xingbei's hand: "take it for you. It's not for nothing. Why not?"

Ye Xingbei looked at Ye Xingli's face and said, "if you don't take advantage, you're a fool." he couldn't laugh or cry.

"I'll hold it for you." Gu Junzhu took the card from ye Xingbei and threw it back to snow: "it's not a gift. It's an apology. You don't have to feel embarrassed."

Ye Xinglan wry smile, "yes, it's a apology, not a gift."

"Big cousin," Ye Tao did not know when to come to their back, burning eyes from snow hands that supreme card back, looking at ye Xinglan, coy said: "big cousin, I also want a card like that, OK?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!