You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 604

He looked at the time. "It's getting late. Shall we go to dinner?"

Ye Xingbei nodded with a smile, "good!"

Hand in hand, they went back to their private room.

Push open the door, leaf Star North Leng next, return to God, quickly back a few steps, looked at the room above the doorplate: Bamboo hall.

Yes, it's her room.

But now, there are more than ten people in the room, including men and women.

"Excuse me," Ye Xingbei asked politely, "are you sitting in the wrong room? This is my room. My coat is still hanging there

Ye Xingbei pointed to the coat hanging in the corner.

When they came here, the temperature rose and they felt hot. They hung their coats in the room first and then went out.

"Sister Beibei?" A pretty little girl stood up from the middle position and walked to the north of Ye Xing with a smile: "sister Beibei, it's a coincidence that you're coming to dinner, too?"

Her mouth and leaf Star North say hello, eyes but can't help to Gu Jun by face Piao, can't cover the amazing.

"Yes." Ye Xingbei reaches out his hand and pushes Gu Junzhu back. He stands in front of Gu Junzhu and faces Ye Tao.

Ye Tao doesn't seem to notice her little action. She takes her eyes away from Gu Jun's face and smiles sweeter and prettier at Ye Xingbei: "sister Beibei just said, is this the room you ordered?"

Ye Xingbei said, "yes, my coat is still hanging there. I'm sure I remember it right."

Ye Tao smile more delicate, smile with a little invisible pride: "I'm sorry, Beibei sister, the manager did not tell me, he saw me, immediately took me to this room, he said that although this room has been ordered out, but only two guests, with such a large room wasted, later he will give you an individual room, back to you 20% off, so we don't mind. "

"Oh? Is that right? " Ye Xingbei looked at the waiter standing on one side: "go and ask your manager to come over."

Although the waiter saw Ye Tao's sweet smile, the atmosphere between them was obviously tense and discordant. He hurried to one side and reported the situation to the manager through the walkie talkie.

A moment later, the manager came in a hurry.

He first politely greets Ye Tao, and then looks at Ye Xingbei: "Miss Beibei, you see, you are few, Miss Taotao is many, so you can make it convenient to give the room to miss Taotao, and then I'll give you a 20% discount on your consumption today. What do you think?"

Gu Jun, standing behind Ye Xingbei, picked his eyebrows one by one.

Miss Beibei?

This is Ye's industry?

The corners of his lips sparked an interesting smile.

He always knew that ye Xingbei had no place in the Ye family.

But seeing this scene, he underestimated the extent of Ye Xingbei's lack of status in the Ye family.

That's interesting today.

The manager is going to have bad luck.

Ye Xingbei looked at the manager with light eyes and said: "if you said this to me before ye Tao occupied my room, I will promise you, but now, if you act first and then I can't promise, do you think you speak very well? 20% off? Do you want a break or my face? If I give this room to Yetao today, will you go around to publicize it another day? Yexingbei gives the room to Yetao for the 20% discount , the fastest update of the webnovel!