You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 603

"Ah! You're done! " Ye Xingbei gloated and touched the flowers on his temples. "The flowers here can't be picked casually. They will be trained by the staff and fined!"

"So?" Gu Wuye thought: "or Let's say it's from the ground? "

Ye Xingbei Go away

Gu Jun chuckles and kisses her in the middle of her brow, "punish Anyway, I just picked one, and I won't be fined a few. "

Ye Xingbei I thought you would say, as long as you can coax my wife happy, it doesn't matter how much penalty, I have plenty of money! "

"No," Gu Wu Yeh said seriously, "that's too low. It's full of the breath of upstarts. How can a man with temperament and self-restraint like me say such low words?"

Ye Xing looked him up and down, "your temperament can be seen by people with eyes. It's really bluffing, but sometimes you don't speak like a rich man. I've heard it many times. You are very grounded. You don't look like a spoiled man. You are a rich man without suffering."

"I'm not spoiled, and I don't suffer from cannibalism," Gu Jun chuckled. "A man who has no idea how many soldiers come out of the mountains and who have been to all kinds of chaotic places, can you expect him to speak like a gentleman?"

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded, "in fact, it's also very good. I grew up in a small town before I was 15 years old. I can say abusive words. It's very kind to listen to you."

"What kind of swearing would you say?" Gu Junzhu looked at her with great interest: "tell me."

Ye Xingbei said: "and you? Why do you want to scold yourself? "

"It makes sense!" Mr. Gu thought again: "this is good..."

Mr. Gu raised his hand to touch the flowers beside Ye Xingbei's temples: "later, if the staff teach you to pick flowers and ask you to pay a fine, you will scold him, so I will know how to scold you."

Ye Xingbei Go away. You're so annoying. They all pit their father, but you pit your wife! "

Gu Jun chuckled, took her hand, and went on, "compared with me, you are more like the daughter of a wealthy family. No matter what your temperament and conversation are, you can't see that you have lived in a small town for 15 years."

Ye Xingbei is dignified and elegant in every movement and smile. She is sweet and charming, especially when she smiles. She is as sweet as honey, as if she has a hook. But it's because all her movements are dignified and elegant. Even if she looks charming, she won't make people feel frivolous.

Ye Xingbei smiles and doesn't speak.

It's all thanks to ye Xinglan.

When she first came to Y country, she suffered a lot because her words and deeds didn't meet ye Xinglan's requirements.

Even without a year's time, she learned the manners and manners of the upper class. Her words and deeds were like the noble daughter who came from everyone.

People who don't know where she comes from don't know that she is a half way monk. Originally, she was just a country girl from a small town.

The sentence "a strict teacher is a good apprentice" is applied to ye Xinglan and her, which is very incisive.

Although she didn't speak, Gu Junzhu understood.

Gu Junzhu has no intention to talk about ye Xinglan with her again.

The past is past.

The enmity between Ye Xiaobei and the Ye family has been written off.

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