You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 605

In the past, ye Xingbei always avoided everything to his family.

As a result, the manager dare not say hello to Ye Xingbei, so he gives Ye Tao the room set by Ye Xingbei.

He thought, Ye Xing North see room is Ye Tao used, must turn around and go, to his other arrangement room.

He didn't expect that today's Ye Xingbei didn't play cards according to common sense, and his attitude was so tough.

In fact, he just wants to please Ye Tao. He has no intention of offending Ye Xingbei. After all, even if ye Xingbei no longer has a position in Ye's family, ye Xingli will be her backer.

That two little Hun is not stingy, don't say anything else, just this matter, ye Xingbei and ye Xingli say, ye Tao doesn't necessarily have something to do, but he will have bad luck.

He didn't expect Ye Xingbei to be unconventional. He didn't retreat from other Ye's family as usual. What he thought was very simple turned into a thorny matter, and his forehead immediately sweated.

"Well Then... " The manager stammered, "or Shall I give you a free bill? "

"No," Ye Xingbei said lightly, "in business, the most important thing to say is honesty. You don't have to give me a free bill, let alone give me a discount. Just give me back the room I ordered."

"This This... " The manager was sweating, tongue tied and looked at Ye Tao with a guilty heart: "Miss peach, look..."

Ye Tao is not happy.

In the past, no matter what things are delicious, funny or good-looking, as long as ye Xingbei has them, their brothers and sisters take a fancy to them and ask Ye Xingbei for it. Ye Xingbei will give it to them without saying a word.

What's going on now?

Her classmates are all seated. The desserts are all on the table. Let her change her room. Where is her face?

She put away her smile, showed an aggrieved expression on her face, bit her lip and asked, "sister Beibei, do you have any opinions on me? In the past, when my brothers and sisters asked you for something, you would give it to me. Now I just ask you to let me use the room, and you just push around. Do you mean to aim at me? "

Ye Xingbei looked at her faintly: "I have no problem with anyone, I just fight for my due rights, the room is set by me in advance, if you discuss with me in advance, please let me give it to you, yes, forcibly, no!"

Ye Tao was annoyed: "my friends are all seated. Do you want my friends to change rooms? Don't you just ask for a room? Why are you so mean? "

"Yes, I'm just mean," Ye Xingbei said with a smile. "Now you know, you can change rooms with your friends."

"No way!" Ye Tao was angry and sank his face. "Ye Xingbei, this is the property of my Ye family. Don't think your surname Ye is the Ye family. It's just a dog of my Ye family. How dare you bark in front of your master? Get out of here now, or I'll tell my cousin to teach you a lesson! "

"Well, good," Ye Xingbei coldly looked at her: "I'll wait here, you tell ye Xinglan now, I'll wait for him to teach me."

The manager's legs are soft.

If it comes to ye Xinglan and ye Xingli, what will happen to Ye Xingbei and ye Tao? He doesn't know. Anyway, his manager can't do it.

He now very regret, should not hold high step low, in order to please Ye Tao, put Ye Xing North room to Ye Tao.

The room was set by Ye Xingbei long ago. No matter where he went, he didn't care. , the fastest update of the webnovel!