You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 600

Ye Xingbei slowly said: "uncle, I hope you can cheer up. My aunt and brother Li love you very much. They need you and you live. They have a complete family. The most regrettable thing in my life is that they have no parents. I don't want brother LAN and brother Li to become children without parents like me."

"In this world, there is no love more pure and selfless than the love of parents. Although brother LAN and brother Li have grown up, no matter how big they grow up, the sky above their heads is always different whether they are supported by their parents or not."

"Uncle, if you feel guilty and feel sorry for me, wake up as soon as possible. Uncle, uncle, uncle also has the word" father "in it. Uncle can get better as soon as possible. After he recovers, he can be half of my father and love me for my father and mother who died early. Uncle, don't you think so?"

Ye Wuwei, who had been lying quietly on the bed, trembled his eyelashes and tears fell down the corner of his eyes.

Ye Xingli, who has been staring at Ye Wuwei, yells, "Mom, brother, look, dad is crying!"

Ye Zhitong rushed to Ye Wuwei's ear and sobbed: "brother Wei, wake up. I beg you to wake up. If you go to sleep again, I can't live. I can't lose you. Brother Wei, we are still young. We agreed that we would take children for Alan and Xiaoli in the future. You said that you would walk behind me and accompany me for a lifetime. You can't break your promise, brother Wei..."

Ye Xingbei felt that ye Wuwei's hand, which she held in her hand, trembled. She looked down at Ye Wuwei's trembling fingers.

Ye Xinglan followed her eyes and found out immediately. She immediately cried out, "Zhenyuan, come on, call Dr. Li in. Dad is going to wake up!"

Waiting for the news from Zhenyuan, Doctor Li outside the ward heard it and rushed in with his assistant.

Before he ran to Ye Wuwei's hospital bed, ye Wuwei's eyelashes trembled again and slowly opened his eyes.

Ye Zhitong was overjoyed. She was so soft that she knelt down beside the bed and lay down on Ye Wuwei. She wailed: "brother For brother... "

Leaf star from joy like a child, close to the past, staring at Ye Wuwei open eyes broken read, happy hands and feet do not know where to put the appearance.

Ye Xinglan clenched the two fists hanging on his side, moistened his eyes, and looked at his father waking up excitedly.

Ye Xingbei smiles, releases Ye Wuwei's hand, retreats to one side, lets the doctor do the examination for ye Wuwei.

Ye Wuwei's bedside soon surrounded a circle of people, ye Xingbei stepped back a few steps, holding Gu Junzhu's hand, side face to see him: "let's go?"

Gu Jun smiles and nods.

Taking advantage of the chaos in the ward, they left the villa together.

On the bus, Gu Junzhu shook his head with a smile, "honey, do you know? When you just sat by Ye Wuwei's bed and grasped Ye Wuwei's hand to talk, I saw the holy light on you. It's very beautiful. "

Ye Xingbei laughs and gives him a white look: "do you want to laugh at me for being the virgin white lotus? If you have something to say, just say it in a roundabout way. If I can't hear it, aren't you saying it for nothing? "

"There's nothing wrong with xiaobailian," Gu Junzhu said. "Xiaobailian is not only stupid, but also easy to cause trouble, make people feel sad and angry. She thinks that the poor people must have something hateful. There's nothing wrong with others." , the fastest update of the webnovel!