You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 601

Ye Xingbei said with no expression: "thank you for defending white lotus, but I'm not comforted at all. I'm sorry to waste your kindness."

"I'm serious," Gu Jun said, pinching her face. "I prefer xiaobailian to a woman who is cruel and cruel. In this way, if I make any mistakes, I don't have to worry about your disagreement. When I fall asleep in the middle of the night, I'll be snapped. It's better to find someone who is softhearted."

Ye Xing looked at him in the north, "what do you want to do wrong? I'm good tempered, but I'm not bad tempered. If you dare to look for women outside behind my back, I'll let you see for yourself how xiaobailian evolved into xiaoheilian. In the middle of the night, I'll tie you up while you're asleep, and I'll snap your life away! "

"What the sage said is right. It's really the most poisonous woman's heart!" Gu Junzhu shook his head and tut tut: "outsiders are so good, and they are so poisonous to me. This differential treatment makes me despair!"

Ye Xingbei turned his eyes and did not talk to him. He slowly breathed a sigh and said, "if I don't look at the monk's face and the Buddha's face, I leave my brother for me. No matter what other people do, my brother's kindness to me comes from my heart. Ye Wuwei, ye Zhitong and ye Xinglan also come from my heart. How can I bear to let my brother become a child without parents like me? ”

"it doesn't matter," Gu Jun shrugged his shoulders and said, "it doesn't matter whether they live or not, as long as you live well. Come on, ye Xiaobei, tell me, are you happy now?"

"Happy," Ye Xingbei tilted his head to look at him and raised a big smile at him. "When I saw Li Ge happily smiling around Ye Wuwei's bed, my heart was blooming. Needless to say, I felt that my body was shining with the light of the Virgin mother!"

Gu Jun chuckles and rubs her hair. "It's good. You're heartless. If nothing else, you'll be happier than others."

"That's," Ye Xingbei snorted with a smile, "if I don't want to open a little bit in my first half of life, I'm worried to death, and I can still live till now?"

Gu Jun chuckles, "it's impossible to worry about death. She has evolved into a little black lotus with a black heart and a black liver. She is psychologically twisted and cynical. She thinks that people all over the world are sorry for you and that everyone owes you. It's still possible."

Ye Xingbei smiles with a crooked head and pillows on his shoulder. His voice is soft and sweet, as if wrapped in honey: "I'm glad I didn't become what you just described, otherwise your old man would not have chosen me at the beginning. Even if your old man chose me, we would not have been so congenial and could live happily as we are now."

She side face, in Gu Junzhu face kiss, and pillow back, tight his arm: "Gu Junzhu, thank you for giving me a home, I am now very happy, really, unprecedented happiness!"

In fact, the taste of debt is not good.

After the end of her grudge with the Ye family, she never owes anyone, never has to curry favor with anyone, groveling, just like a huge stone in her heart.

That's it. It's good.

Gu Jun took her into his arms and gave her a kiss on the forehead. "We really have a soul in our hearts. I also feel that my life is more happy than ever To celebrate our happiness together, shall I treat you to dinner? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!