You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 599

They walked into the bedroom, ye Zhitong stood up from ye Wuwei's bedside, some at a loss.

When ye Xinglan came back from Gu's family, he had only half his life left.

Ye Xingli just like Gu Junzhu said, reciting at his father's bedside, told his father everything, including how badly Ye Xing's appendix hurt.

To his surprise, his father didn't wake up, but his mother, who had been sleeping, woke up.

His mother took the initiative to eat, and then took an injection. That night, the fever miraculously subsided. The next day, she began to take care of Ye Xinglan beside her bed.

Ye Xingli thinks that it is better to be a mother.

Although his mother did something wrong, I'm sorry for Beibei, but his mother is a qualified mother.

Afraid that his mother was too embarrassed, he walked over and took Ye Zhitong's arm. "Mom, Beibei and Wuge are here. Is this the first time you've seen Wuge? Five brothers are very powerful, and I'm also very good to your son. I've learned a lot from five brothers. Thank you very much, mom. "

Ye Xing North corner of the mouth smoked to smoke, in the heart particularly strange, her home leaves elder brother to really feel five ye to he particularly good, still just say polite words?

Actually let Ye Zhitong thank Gu Wuye.

Thank you for what?

Is Xie Wuye merciful when he pits him?

Ye Xingbei wants to laugh, but it's obviously not suitable to laugh at this time, so he can only hold it.

Ye Zhitong is really embarrassed.

Embarrassed, she didn't know where her eyes should be. She followed Ye Xingli's words: "thank you. I'll stay for lunch. I'll let the kitchen cook more good dishes."

"No, thank you, aunt," Ye Xingbei said politely, "we have something to do at noon. I'll leave after a few words with my uncle."

Hear "uncle aunt" such address, ye Zhitong once red eye socket.

Because too embarrassed, dare not look at their eyes, finally fell on the leaf star north face.

"Beibei, I'm sorry..." Tears swirled in her eyes and her voice trembled violently: "Beibei, I'm sorry. Don't blame your uncle. It's all my fault. I thought you were arrogant and domineering and bullied shixiying after listening to Wu Qizhen's lies."

"I sent you to Wu Qizhen. I thought she was just trying to teach you a lesson for her daughter. I didn't expect that she was so vicious that she sent you to the whorehouse. Your uncle is in poor health. He never cares about anything outside. It's my idea to send you to Wu Qizhen. It's my fault. Your uncle has never done anything. Please don't blame him. Blame me if you want to Bei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry... "

"Brother LAN has already apologized to me," Ye Xingbei said with a smile. "If I'm willing to come, it means that I've forgiven you. If it's convenient, aunt, go out first. I'll have a few words with my uncle."

Ye Zhitong hesitated.

She was reluctant to leave her husband.

She is a woman with the highest love. In her life, her husband and children are the most important.

In the end, she still has a bad heart for ye Xingbei.

She can't believe Ye Xingbei doesn't resent them anymore.

She is afraid that if she leaves, her husband will be poisoned by Ye Xingbei.

Ye Xingbei saw that she was worried about something and didn't mind. She said with a smile, "it's OK for my aunt to stay here. I'll leave with a few words."

Ye Xingli moved a chair and put it beside Ye Wuwei's bed, warmly greeting Ye Xingbei: "Beibei, sit down."

Ye Xingbei sits down, stares at Ye Wuwei for a while, and holds Ye Wuwei's hand. "Uncle, I'm Beibei. I've come to see you. Seeing you like this, I feel very sad. When you sent me to Wu Qizhen, I felt worse than now. At that time, I hated you, but now I don't hate you any more. The bad guys have been punished, and you have also paid a lot It should be those who have made mistakes and do not want to repent, but also those who are full of resentment and deliberately want revenge, rather than those who sincerely repent and want to change their mistakes. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!