You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 598

"I don't know," Gu Jun bit her finger. "Your body hasn't recovered yet. I'll wait another two days. When your injury is better, I'll go with you."

Ye Xingbei said, "I feel better."

Gu Jun by smile, "there is a kind of bad, call husband think you are not good."

Ye Xingbei

Gu Junzhu pinched her face. "Well behaved, what ye Xinglan and I said didn't completely choke him. That's absolutely reasonable. Your uncle can still live with a breath hanging. If you go, I'll forgive you. If his wish is over, maybe he will die on the spot."

Ye Xingbei So I can't tell him I've forgiven him? "

"That's right," Gu Junzhu said, "after you go, you should tell him that I won't forgive you until you atone for me with your actual actions! In this way, he will wake up with one breath and have a chance to make amends to you. "

Ye Xingbei looked at him suspiciously: "how can I feel so like cheating me not to forgive him?"

"Why? What I have said is all wisdom Gu Wu Ye is serious, "look at my sincere eyes."

Ye Xingbei Go away

Gu Junzhu rubbed her head with a smile, "whatever you like, you can say whatever you like. Anyway, according to my impression of the Ye family, I don't even need to take money when he is dead. It doesn't matter whether he is dead or alive."

Ye Xingbei I'm sure that's from the bottom of your heart. "


two days later, ye Xingbei's injury was basically scabby. Although he couldn't do strenuous exercise, he had no problem getting out of bed.

After breakfast, wash clean, change a fresh clothes, ye Xingbei think she finally come back to life.

When the wounded feel really bad, it's the happiest to be a normal person.

Gu Junzhu accompanies her and they come to Ye's home together.

After the guard of the gate announced, ye Xingli ran out to meet him personally.

Walking in the familiar courtyard, ye Xingbei has never had a strange feeling in his heart.

She lived here for five years.

In those five years, she was always careful, like walking on thin ice, for fear of being punished and disgusted.

But at this moment, when she comes back here, her heart is as still as water.

In front of the Ye family, she is timid and humble.

Now she is calm and confident.

She doesn't owe anyone here anymore.

She doesn't have to think about how to please them and make them like her.

No desire is hard.

She finally understood the four words.

Into the living room, Zhenyuan holding ye Xinglan down from upstairs.

Two days ago, after returning from Gu's home, ye Xinglan was seriously ill. He had a high fever and was bedridden.

The fever has just subsided this morning. I'm still very weak.

Ye xingpeiping looked at ye Xinglan and said: "brother LAN, are you better?"

"Much better," ye Xinglan said with a smile, "brother five, Beibei, would you like to have a drink and have a rest first, or go to see my father?"

Ye Xingbei said: "go to see my uncle. We just had breakfast. We don't need to drink."

"Good." Ye Xinglan nodded and politely sent her and Gu Jun to his father's room.

Ye Xinglan is polite and intimate, which is quite different from his cold and aloof attitude in the past.

Ye Xingbei didn't feel any discomfort and was very calm.

This kind of relationship, not too far, not too close, just right. , the fastest update of the webnovel!