You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 589

"Well, remember what you said today!" Gu Junzhu said: "you go to see Beibei. Between friends, you should treat each other with sincerity. Make it clear to her. Don't make her sad."

"Yes, I know." Yue ya'er stood up, wiped the tears on his face and walked upstairs.

Seeing ye Xingbei, she told the story to Ye Xingbei again. She felt guilty and said, "Beibei, I've never wanted to cheat you, but I dare not say this kind of thing. I'm afraid that if I say it, I won't have the chance to stay at home."

After all, more is better than less.

Xiang family that kind of family, even if they have the ability, who is willing to provoke it?

"It's OK, I understand you," Ye Xingbei shook his head and looked at her sympathetically. "I remember listening to Xiao Chi say that you came to visit your relatives in Y country. You just said that your grandfather went abroad. Did you come to see your grandfather in Y country?"

"No..." Yue ya'er was embarrassed and said, "I I'm here for you. "

Ye Xingbei looks at her in surprise.

Yue ya'er bowed his head with guilt, "these years, I have never given up revenge. I have been hiring private detectives to inquire about all the information related to Xiang's family, Xiang jiechao and Ling Yue. Although Xiang's family conceals it very well, people outside don't know, but I still can't hide it from people who stare at Xiang's family like me."

"So, I know the existence of Xiaoyue and know that Xiaoyue lives in your family. I think that I can't get close to Xiang's family. I can get close to your family. Your family has a close relationship with Xiang's family. As long as I get close to you, I will have a chance to get close to Xiang's family in the future."

"Later, I learned that you came to Y country, and my cousin was the general manager of Gu's branch in Y country. I felt that this was my opportunity. So I came to Y country after you. "

"In fact, I'm not sure, but I'm too anxious. As long as there's a glimmer of hope, I want to have a try."

"This time, the Lord is on my side. My cousin knew that Gu family wanted to find a female family doctor, so he thought of me at once."

"At that time, I was racking my brains to figure out how to persuade my cousin to recommend me to your family doctor. As a result, my cousin came to me and asked me to take care of you."

"For me, I just felt sleepy and God sent me a pillow. I agreed immediately. However, Beibei... "

Holding Ye Xingbei's hand, she said sincerely, "it's true that I plan to get involved in caring for my family, but it's also true that I get along with you. I hate villains like Ji chunjue, so I won't become such a person myself. Beibei, please believe me. From the beginning to the end, I didn't want to hurt you."

"I believe in you," Ye Xingbei said with a smile. "You are very kind to me. You really treat me as a friend. I can feel it."

"Thank you, Beibei," Yue ya'er could not help leaning over and gently hugged her. "I feel at home these days. I like the living atmosphere here. It's relaxed, comfortable and the environment is beautiful."

"The reason why I'm willing to sign a 50 year contract is not only to avenge my mother, but also because I really like it here."

"Beibei, if you can make friends with a kind and lovely girl like you for a lifetime, you will be very happy. Beibei, I want to make friends with you forever. Are you willing to forgive me and accept me?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!