You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 590

"I have forgiven you, so you don't have to coax me so sweetly," Ye Xingbei said with a smile and patted her, "you just said that after your mother's accident, your grandfather took the whole family abroad, didn't you leave with them?"

"At that time, I left together, but later, my father and my grandfather died one after another, and I went back to China," Yue ya'er said. "At that time, my grandfather wanted to think about his other children. My father was filial and listened to my grandfather's words. He also felt sorry for his younger brother and sister. He didn't want them to be killed. So they didn't take revenge for my mother and went abroad in a hurry."

"However, no matter my grandfather or my father, they can't let it go. They all feel sorry for my mother. They hold a breath in their heart. They can't get well in a few years. After my grandfather and father passed away one after another, I went back to China."

"Beibei, you don't know how miserable my mother died. When I saw my mother's body, my mother's lower body was full of blood, and the baby in her belly had no heartbeat. The day before yesterday, I still put my hand on my mother's belly, and my brother was still in her belly, pushing up my mother's belly to say hello to me."

"My mother is a very good person. She is as gentle as water. I threw myself on her and cried. I begged her to open her eyes and look at me again. But her body is hard, hard and cold. Her eyes are round and her hands are on her stomach..."

Yue ya'er covered his mouth and sobbed: "although I went abroad with my grandfather and father, for so many years, every time I thought about the way my mother was protecting her stomach when she died, I couldn't help thinking about how desperate my mother was at that time. Almost every day I could dream about the way my mother was when she died. In my dream, I arrived in time again and again when my mother was most desperate, He stabbed Ji chunjue again and again, but when he woke up, he had nothing but tears on his face... "

She released Ye Xingbei and looked at Ye Xingbei with tearful eyes: "Beibei, I don't know if you can understand my feelings. I always feel that if I can't revenge for my mother, sooner or later, I will end up with hatred like my grandfather and my father. Our whole family has died, and the person who killed my mother is still at large, enjoying life happily. If it is that way, I will be happy What kind of ending, I will be like my grandfather, my father, can't die in peace. "

"I understand," Ye Xingbei nodded and said, "my parents have been dead for a long time, but neither my brother nor I have given up the idea of bringing the culprit to justice. Although the dead have passed away, the living should give them justice, so that they can rest in peace under the spring of heaven In addition, those who have done bad things must be punished, and there will be fewer and fewer bad people in this world. If they have done bad things, they can still live and enjoy life in this world. That's unfair. "

Yue ya'er frowned and asked, "Beibei, your parents were also killed?"

"Well," Ye Xingbei nodded, "my parents died in a car accident, but my brother and I both feel that the car accident is man-made, but there is no evidence yet, and there is no way to bring the murderer to justice."

After a pause, she said: "however, just now Gu Junzhu told me that he had got the clue, and he didn't know what the clue was."

Seeing her hope and expectation, Yue ya'er stood up and said, "then I'll call the fifth master up. You can talk and I'll wash my face."

Ye Xingbei nodded and said with a smile, "go ahead, be happy, don't have any burden. I like to be a just girl warrior most. We will help you get revenge." , the fastest update of the webnovel!