You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 588

Yue ya'er gritted his teeth and trembled: "because those animals Those animals took my mother's fruit photos and threatened my grandfather and my father. If they dare to call the police, they will sell my mother's fruit photos to HS website. They also secretly put antiques into my father's bedroom, planted them on my father, threatened my grandfather, and let my father go to jail if they make trouble. "

"My grandfather didn't want to be insulted after my mother died, and he didn't want my father to go to prison with injustice. Moreover, a family like Xiang's family broke up our family. My grandfather had not only my father's son, but also his son and daughter. He didn't want to break up our family for my mother's sake, so he took Xiang's compensation and immigrated with the whole family It's over. "

"Did Ji chunjue do it alone?" Gu Junzhu said: "master Xiang is not such a person. If you understand master Xiang's character, you don't have to bother at all. You can go directly to master Xiang and explain the injustice to him. You don't have to do it. Master Xiang will help you revenge."

"Oh Yue ya'er sneered, "don't you think my grandfather has ever found Xiang xiongyi? He trusted Xiang xiongyi more than you. When he learned that my mother had been killed, his first reaction was to go to Xiang xiongyi to make decisions for our family. But he, Xiang xiongyi's personal doctor, couldn't contact Xiang xiongyi any more after my mother was killed by Ji chunjue. "

Yue ya'er's eyes burst out a strong hatred, gnashing his teeth and saying: "what noble character, the pillar of the country? But also a selfish, insidious and cunning villain. If my grandfather can't get in touch with him, he can pretend he doesn't know anything and save his reputation. Scum! All scum

"I can tell you very responsibly that Mr. Xiang is not like that," Gu Junzhu said. "After your mother's accident, your grandfather can't contact Mr. Xiang. It should be the people around him."

Ji chunjue is Xiang jiechao's brother-in-law and the son-in-law of Xiang's current wife.

It's easy for a mother in charge and a son of master Xiang to control his eyes and ears.

"Oh, it doesn't matter," Yue ya'er said hatefully, "I didn't want to kill the Xiang family. I just want Ji chunjue to pay for my mother's life. I want him to die in the most miserable way, so that my mother and my younger brother who didn't have time to be born can rest in peace."

"I see," Gu Jun nodded. "Now that you have decided to sign a contract with Gu's family, you must know that Ling Yue is Xiang's grandson."

"Yes," Yue ya'er bit his lip. "I didn't want to make use of Xiaoyue to do anything. It's just the difference between my identity and Xiang's family. In my identity, I have no chance to get close to Xiang's family, let alone avenge my mother. I signed a contract to take care of my family. I just want to be a family keeper and have a chance to get close to Xiang's family."

"I believe you," Gu Junzhu said, "Mr. Xiang said that when he handles the Xiang family's affairs well, he will take Xiaoyue home and recognize his ancestors. At that time, you can go to the Xiang family with us. If everything you say is true, I will do what I say and I will help you to get revenge."

Thank you With tears in his eyes, Yue ya'er raised his right hand: "I swear that as long as the fifth master can help me avenge my mother's death, from now on, Yue ya'er will live as a family keeper and die as the soul of the family. He will be loyal to the family all his life and never betray me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!