You Are My Rare Passion

Chapter 587

Gu Junzhu frowned: "do you have a grudge against Xiang family?"

Yue ya'er was surprised: "you, how do you know?"

"It's not obvious?" Gu Jun said, "if the Xiang family has a favor for you, just go to the Xiang family to repay it. Why bother signing a long appointment to Gu family? You have heard about the relationship between the Gu family and the Xiang family, and you know that if you stay in the Gu family, you will have a chance to get close to the Xiang family, so that you can take revenge. That's why you bear the humiliation and sign a 50 year contract with the Gu family? "

"I can't bear humiliation," Yue ya'er said. "My grandfather practiced medicine all his life and saved countless people. In the end, he ended up hating me. Now I'm not interested in being a doctor at all, but what I rely on is the medical skills I learned from my grandfather. I don't want to be a doctor, but I have to eat and survive. It's my goal to choose to be a private family doctor It's the best choice in front of me. Besides, you're generous. Beibei and I are very congenial. I've been living a peaceful and happy life in caring for my family these days. "

Speaking of this, she paused and laughed, "however, Xiaochi gave me a 50 year contract as soon as he reached out, which really surprised me. For 50 years, what I signed is not a contract, but a deed of sale. Whether I can live another 50 years is still unknown, which means that I have sold it to my family all my life."

"I put forward a sky high price in the hope of shortening the contract period, but Xiaochi agreed without blinking an eye. I couldn't ride a tiger, so I had to agree."

Gu Junzhu said: "because you want revenge, you need to take care of your family. Maybe you won't have such a good opportunity in the future, so you are reluctant to give up this opportunity."

Yue ya'er nodded: "yes, that's what I think. I don't want my child to be able to catch the wolf. As long as I stay in Gu's family, I can get revenge and be a cow and a horse for Gu's family all my life. I also recognize it!"

Gu Jun said, "well What's your feud with the Xiang family? "

"The Revenge of killing mother!" When he said these four words, Yue ya'er's tone was cold. In his warm and bright eyes, he burst out a cold and sharp light.

"Who killed your mother?" Gu Junzhu said: "or that sentence, you are already a family man now. If it's really Xiang's fault, I will not blame you for signing a contract with Gu's family. I will help you."

So far, there is no need to hide the next thing.

Thinking of his mother, Yue ya'er felt cramped and clenched her fist.

She lowered her eyes and covered the tears in her eyes. "My grandfather is a family doctor of Xiang family, and my mother is a student of my grandfather. One day, Ji chunjue, Xiang xiongyi's son-in-law, was so drunk that he vomited several times. The servant said that he didn't look very well. He asked my grandfather to show him."

"My grandfather didn't feel well that day. He had a rest early. My father wasn't at home. My mother answered the phone. My mother felt sorry for my grandfather. She didn't want the old man to run back and forth for a drunk at night."

"It's just drunk. My mother can handle it, so my mother rushed over."

"At that time, my mother had been pregnant for five months," Yue ya'er's voice trembled, and big tears rolled from her eyes. "No one thought that Ji chunjue had ruined my mother, and my mother was killed in bed by him alive..."

Gu Jun frowned: "why didn't you call the police?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!